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006 —his sister's keeper

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006 —his sister's keeper

season one —
episode six

CARSON SITS IN FRONT OF the fire watching the flames dance around thinking about all of the people including Kyle—her ex boyfriend up on the Ark

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CARSON SITS IN FRONT OF the fire watching the flames dance around thinking about all of the people including Kyle—her ex boyfriend up on the Ark.

Bellamy bends down beside the brunette looking around the camp worried.

"Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy questions snapping Carson out of her staring contest with the flames.

"No, is everything okay?" Carson frowns, "She's not in her tent, I can't find her anywhere" Bellamy explains.

"I'll help, you go ask around camp and we'll meet back at Clarke's tent" Carson suggests.

Bellamy nods and rushes off into another direction looking for his younger sister eventually meeting Carson back in front of Clarke's tent.

"You're up?" Bellamy states confused, Clarke gets up and steps out of her tent standing beside Carson.

"Yeah, knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep" Clarke mutters looking at the male.

"Raven's flares will work" Bellamy states firmly, "Her radio would've worked better" Clarke snaps.

"Okay and this doesn't help at all, we have bigger issues" Carson voices looking at both Clarke and Bellamy confusing the blonde.

"Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy wonders, "No, it's Octavia, she's probably chasing butterflies" Clarke shrugs.

"Clarke, Carson and I have checked the camp, she's not here" Bellamy explains shocking the blonde.

"Okay, I'll help you find her, let's check again, you and Carson go to the drop-ship, I'll check the rest of the tents you both haven't checked" Clarke suggests nodding at the both of them.

"Thank you" Bellamy mumbles worried for his sister's safety.

"Don't thank me, I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for Carson and Octavia" Clarke snaps walking away from the male who motions to the drop-ship.

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