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010 — i am become death

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010 — i am become death

season one —
episode ten

THE NEXT MORNING CARSON, BELLAMY and some of the others from the camp venture out to the crash site of the exodus ship

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THE NEXT MORNING CARSON, BELLAMY and some of the others from the camp venture out to the crash site of the exodus ship.

"Clarke shouldn't be out here" Finn says standing beside Carson who sighs nodding actually agreeing the male.

"Neither should you, Kyle might've been on this ship" Finn voices while Carson notices a skeleton with ash all of it from the explosion.

Said girl sucks in a deep breath thinking that one of the bodies could be her ex boyfriend.

"Her mom was on the ship, she's looking for answers, you want to help her, find me the black box, hard drives, anything that will explain why this ship crashed" Raven suggests looking at Finn who shakes his head trying to move Carson away from the ashes of bodies.

"Stay sharp, grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when" Bellamy shouts looking at everyone looking around the crash site.

"Can you blame them?" Finn questions hearing Carson audibly groan annoyed with all the bickering between the two males.

"No, I blame you and Carson" Bellamy snaps shocking the brunette who looks at him with a hint of betrayal on her face before grunting and strutting away from the others towards Clarke leaving Finn, Raven and Bellamy snickering together.

"Oh!" Clarke gasps seeing a burnt body but liquid dripping from the ship.

"Carson! Clarke, stop!" Raven exclaims noticing the two standing close to fuel.

"Rocket fuel?" Clarke frowns, "Hydrazine, highly unstable in its non solid form, if this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist" Raven explains grabbing a nearby object and throwing it away from them and the others.

"Fire in the hole!" Raven shouts alerting everyone while an explosion happens near them.

"We need to clear the area" Raven suggests growing more urgent with the pleads.

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