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015 — many happy returns

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015 — many happy returns

season two —
episode four

BELLAMY, FINN, MURPHY AND a few others are walking through the forest watching their surroundings

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BELLAMY, FINN, MURPHY AND a few others are walking through the forest watching their surroundings.

"Everyone—eyes peeled, we're in grounder territory" Bellamy states firmly holding onto his weapon.

"Everything is grounder territory, all right? I can't keep running, all right? We don't even know if the guy Finn killed was telling the truth" Murphy voices receiving a glare from Finn.

"Keep moving" Finn demands sharply, "We can give him a minute" Bellamy mutters.

"No, we can't, you heard what that grounder said, 'they'll outlive their usefulness'" Finn snaps.

"I heard what he said when you had a gun to his head" Bellamy snarls.

"Look, you think I wanted to do that? He would have told his people we're coming, and by the time we got there, our people would be dead, maybe that's something you can live with, but I can't!" Finn states firmly going to walk once again.

"Hey, you did what you think you had to do, but you are not yourself right now, and I can't be out here with another loose cannon" Bellamy mutters pushing Finn backwards.

"Guys" Monroe voices noticing bodies ahead of them, "Fall in" Bellamy states leading the others closer to the said bodies.

"Where the hell did they come from?" Murphy questions, "From the Ark" Bellamy explains walking more towards the bodies seeing some of the ship ahead of them broken in pieces.

"It's a rough landing" Murphy voices looking at the damage and the dead bodies surrounding them.

"There's nothing we can do for these people, we got to go" Bellamy states before what sounds like a scream coming from somewhere below the cliff.

"Did you hear that?" Murphy asks rushing towards the edge beside Monroe and Sterling noticing someone hanging onto a branch below them.

"Hey, hey, someone's down there" Monroe voices pointing at the woman hearing her cries, "Please!" a woman begs, "Up here!" Bellamy exclaims.

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