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009 — unity day

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009 — unity day

season one —
episode nine

CARSON STANDS BESIDE RAVEN listening to Chancellor Jaha's unity day speech

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CARSON STANDS BESIDE RAVEN listening to Chancellor Jaha's unity day speech.

"My friends, this is a historic Unity Day, every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her, next year, on the ground" Jaha voices over the radio system.

"Right, after we did all the work, someone shut him up" Miller scoffs annoyed with the man.

"You shut up, Miller, no one's forcing you to watch" Raven snaps.

"What she said" Carson voices folding her arms across her chest.

"For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth" Jaha continues rambling through the radio.

"I'll be back later, gotta freshen up these bandages again" Carson explains feeling the dirty bandages on her arm.

Muttering a thank you to herself because her wounded thigh from the jaguar has healed over and is now just itchy.

Carson frowns hearing the radio cut out and mumbles surrounding camp due to the sudden cutoff with screams.

"What's happening?" Carson questions looking at Raven who shrugs also unsure seeing that their side of the radio is working and the interference is from the Ark this time.

Seeing Bellamy leaning against the gate to the camp Carson chuckles walking towards him.

"Hey" Carson voices standing beside the male who smiles biting into his apple.

"Hey, the comms are still dead, they cut out during the pageant" Clarke explains standing beside the two of them.

"Best Unity Day ever" Bellamy scoffs with a huff.

"Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there" Clarke mutters.

"Grounders, by now, he's made it home, he's probably putting together a lynch mob, relax, Cars and I have got security covered, why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one" Bellamy suggests not noticing Carson suck in a deep breath when the grounder is mentioned.

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