Chapter Five

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(Rescue misson)

"So that's it huh? Your just gonna walk out? To hell with everyone else?" Shane raises his voice as he follows after Rick, attempting to make him 'see sense'

"I'm not saying to hell with anybody. Not you Shane. Least of all Lori."

"Tell her that."

Rick turns around to fully address Shane, "She knows." And he continues to walk away from the conversation but Shane was not done.

"We'll look I-i don't know, okay, Rick? So could you just —could you throw me a bone here, man? Could you do that for me?" Shane puts a hand on Ricks arm forcing him back around to face him. "Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon?"

"Hey! Choose you words more carefully." Daryl points a warning finger at Shane, who simply rolls his shoulders.

"No I did, douchebags what I ment." He glares before turning back to Rick. "Merle Dixon —the guy would give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst." He attempts to back up his reasons for how it wasn't worth risking a life for a man like Merle.

"What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me." Rick dismisses, putting his hands on his hips. "I can't let a man die of thirst —me. Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die. Let alone a human being."

"So you and Daryl?" Lori interjects, raising her eyebrows. "That's your big plan?"

Rick then turns to look straight at where me and Glenn were sitting and I immediately clocked on to what he was insinuating.

"Oh come on." Glenn whines, throwing his head back in protest.

"You's know the way. You've been there before, in and out, no problem. That's what you said." He nods his head to us. "I know it's not fair of me to ask, I only really need one of you." He turns his head to me, the direct eye contact making me uncomfortable. "I'd feel a lot better with you there, I know she would too."

I look from him to Lori, to Carl and upon seeing Carl's face lined with dried tear streaks I already had my mind made up for me.

"Fine, yeah," I turn to Glenn. "You stay here, I'll go."
Rick nodded to me in gratitude.

"No," Glenn groans, as he looks at me. "You're going, im going, we're kind of a packaged deal." He smiles at me. And I playfully roll my eyes.

"I appreciate it. Really." Rick gives us a last nod, ready for this to be the end of the conversation.

But Shane had other ideas. "That's just great. Now you're gonna risk three men, huh?"

I narrowed my eyes at him ready to argue over his inconsiderateness to exclude me from that sentence, when T-dog beat me to it.

"Four men, and one woman." He looks at me and I smile at him, silently thanking him for not being a dick like someone else.

"My day just gets better and better." Daryl huffs, not happy with the going away team he was part of.

"You see anyone else steppin' up to save your brothers cracker ass?"

"Why you?" Daryl narrows his eyes at the man responsible for his brother being left in the first place.

A Dead World.. • G. RheeWhere stories live. Discover now