Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(Walker Bait)

"Hey." I turned my head to see Glenn coming towards Dale and I. I decided to take watch with Dale because I really couldn't be bothered with all the drama that goes on around this farm. Plus, I was supposed to be going out to look for Sophia with Rick and Daryl but Rick went off with Hershel and he specifically told me 'not to go out by myself' asshole.

"Hey." I waved at him, one of which he returned. Andrea then went running into the R.V and Dale started to stand up. "Keep watch for me? I'm just going to talk to her." He said and I nodded. "Sure, yeah go ahead." He patted my shoulder and climbed down the ladder. The seat where Dale had sat moments ago was now being occupied by Glenn who had made his way up the ladder after Dale had gone down it.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I took notice in the fact that he was looking like he was going to be sick and he was nervously tapping his foot against the roof. He snapped his head over to me. "What?- oh, yeah, I'm good." He shakily answered and I nodded, not entirely believing a word he said.

"Except I'm not." He suddenly spoke again and the corner of my mouth lifted into a smirk that my observation was right. "I knew it." I answered smugly before turning serious again, considering his face had pulled about five different expressions in the space of two minutes. "What's up?" I asked him, placing a comforting hand on his knee. He was genuinely concerning me right now.

He looked down at the knee I had just put his hand on before taking a breath. "There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about. Well- more like tell you."

"Okay, What?" I asked nervously. He was being so off right now. I was becoming anxious about what he wanted to say.

"So Uhm-" he started only to get cut off by the R.V door slamming shut.

"You okay?" I asked Dale as he looked up at Glenn and I.

"Yeah, you two mind running and getting me some water? I just- I just need a second." He asked and I nodded.

"Sure. You'll keep watch?" He nodded as a yes, and i basically dragged Glenn away from the R.V and over to the water wells.

"So.. what was it you wanted to say?" I asked Glenn as I started to fill a cup with water.

"What? Oh! Yeah- Uhm-" but once again he was cut off by Shane angrily walking towards the R.V. Glenn and I shared a look before walking over to the R.V ourselves.

"S'up?" Glenn asked Shane as he walked back out he R.V in a huff.

"Son of a bitch. You see where he went?" Shane asked us and Glenn and I both shared equal looks of confusion as Shane awaited an answer.

"Who?" I asked and the older man just scoffed. "Don't even try to shit me, alright?" He looked at us again and we both still had matching blank expressions on our faces. "Dale, Hailie. You see where Dale went?" He huffed and Glenn and I simultaneously shook our heads.

"He asked us to run and get him some water. Said he'd cover our watch." Glenn answered the angry looking man who scoffed with a slight look of amusement mixed with obvious anger on his face.

"And he was gone when you got back, huh?"

"Yeah, you think he's okay?" Glenn asked Shane.

"Oh he's fine."

"So, why'd he bail then?" I chimed in and Shane ran a frustrated hand over his balding head.

"So you wouldn't tell me which way he went."

"I don't get it." Glenn stated and I found myself on the same boat as him.

"Nah man, you don't." Shane said before running off into the woods.

"I don't get it though?" Glenn told me and I patted with shoulder with a shake of my head.

"Me neither, man. Me neither."
"Maggie." I called out as she stormed past me. "Maggie, just wait will ya?"

She suddenly turned around quick as anything. "Woah, not so fast. Don't want you to get whiplash from that turn." I laughed trying to lighten where I already knew this conversation would go.

"I asked you. I told you. I just asked you for one thing. One thing."

"I didn't tell Dale though. Glenn did! He can't keep secrets."

"You would've told Rick if Glenn hadn't." She laughed a frustrated laugh and shook her head. "Doesn't matter now, my dad's gonna kick you guys out. He told me."

"No, Rick's gonna work something out, okay? We had to tell them."

"You did not."

"No, I did. I wanted to." She looked at me in shock and I quickly began to change my wording. "See, I forgot. I forgot or maybe I didn't want to think about it. I let them lower me into that well like it was fun, like I was playing some video game or something. And then- and then the pharmacy and I realised something. I forgot that they're dangerous. I keep trying to make everyone see that I'm not just some kid, but maybe I am! Maybe I am a kid because everything I seem to do is stupid and puts someone in danger, and I realised I don't want to put you, or Rick, or Glenn in that danger. So I'm sorry to blow your dad big secret, but I'm sick of secrets. Secrets get you killed. And I'd rather have you pissed at me and alive than liking me and dead. So that's why I had Glenn tell them."

I ended my much needed rant and started to walk away."

"Hey, walker bait!" She shouted after me and I scoffed.

"Don't call me that."

"Okay, Hailie." The way she dragged out my name, I knew she wasn't being serious anymore. "You're not a kid. But if you were it wouldn't be such a bad thing, then you wouldn't have to defend yourself, everyone else would do it for you." I laughed and she put her arm around my shoulders. The same way Glenn always does.

Shit, gotta stop thinking about him.
Word count: 1051

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