19 - Photo Albums & Frames

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It has been a few weeks since Chris and I were hungover but had our major revelation talk. We knew we at least wanted to try to be friends again, we needed to see what could happen.

I was sitting at my piano just playing around with some melodies I had in my head. Chris had texted and said he was on his way. I told him that the door would be unlocked and gave him my gate code to get in. When he texted me he told me to get the picture box out and ready and I wasn't sure why he was wanting to go through those again the only good thing was I had absolutely no alcohol in my house. I got rid of it after the night he was here, I was going dry for a while.

I was playing a song and humming to myself thinking I might have finally struck genius when I heard a bark beside me, making me jump and slightly scream. I turned to look at the dog and he was sitting up proudly looking at me.

"And who are you?" I asked and took a look at the name tag on his collar, "Dodger..." I trailed off and looked at the brown and white fuzzball and shook my head.

"Dodger, like Oliver and Company, where is your father....?" I asked and Chris laughed coming around the corner.

"I hope you didn't mind I brought him but I didn't want to leave him at home alone. I also figured you are coming back into my life and he had to meet you." Chris said as I got up as he walked up and sat beside me. He started playing a tune and I laughed hysterically. Once I knew it was time I started singing.

🎵 Ev'ry truly cultured music student knows
You must learn your scales and your arpeggios
Bring the music, ringing from your chest and not your nose
While you sing your scales and your arpeggios🎵

I took over playing the piano and Chris started singing his part.

🎵 If you're faithful to your daily practicing
You will find your progress is encouraging
Do mi sol mi, do mi sol mi, fa la so it goes
When you do your scales and your arpeggios🎵

We then both started the piano together and laughing as we finished the song off together.

🎵 Though at first it seems as tho' it doesn't show
Like a tree ability will bloom and grow
If you're smart, you'll learn by heart what ev'ry artist knows
You must sing your scales and your arpeggios🎵

By the time we were done singing and doing the small piano battle like in the movie Dodger was hollowing sitting beside us still and we broke into a fit of laughter.

"I mean Aristocats doesn't fit in the situation maybe I should have played..." I trailed off and played the opening chords to Why Should I Worry from Oliver and Company and Chris busted out laughing.

"Are you calling me some kind of Disney nut?" Chris asked as we got up from the piano and I giggled.

"If the shoe fits. I mean you know what I played by a few chords, and you knew another song by memory and it's been forever since we sang it at least it has been for me." I said as we sat on the couch.

"Yeah, I haven't played it in a while." Chris trailed off.

"Then maybe I could find a DA group for you, Disney Anonymous." I said causing us both to laugh.

"Frankie, what movie am I starring in?" Chris asked and I thought about it.

"Marvel movies, Avengers franchise."

"And who owns Marvel?" Chris asked.

I grumbled knowing the answer, "Disney."

"So, I don't think it would be in my best interest to go find a Disney Anonymous group when they are signing my paychecks." Chris said and we just continued to laugh. We were giggly and happy and there wasn't even a bit of alcohol included. This was Chris and I getting back to what we used to be.

We were silent for a minute, and I sighed, "So why did I have to get the box out?" I asked and Chris pulled a couple photo albums out of a bag he brought along with a box of his own photos from when we were kids.

"I want us to make photo albums, I know you said you need to get rid of the pictures but honestly Frankie, it's our life together and I don't want to." Chris said and I sighed.

"I was honestly just thinking about this the other day. I was out and almost bought some photo albums, these are all too good to get rid of." I said and Chris nodded. "Before we get started would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"Nothing too strong..."

"Oh, there is no alcohol in my house right now. I'm going through a dry spell and don't want alcohol." I said and Chris half nodded with a smile.

"That sounds like a good plan." Chris said and I nodded. I got up and headed into the kitchen.

"I have some Cola, or I have water and sweet tea." I said and Chris smiled.

"I'll take a water." Chris said and I poured me some sweet tea after giving him a bottle of water. We headed into the living room. Dodger and sat on the floor between Chris and I on the couch and we opened our photo boxes and just started going through and trying to get a timeline set back up.

We started arguing about a picture we both had and the time it was, Chris finally pulled out his phone. "I know one way to settle this!" Chris said and facetimed Lisa and I laughed when I saw.

"Will she answer your call?" I asked.

"Yes smartass, we made up when I told her you and I made up." Chris stuck his tongue out at me.

"CHRISTOPHER!" Lisa shrieked and I started laughing even harder.

"Sorry Frankie is being annoying!" Chris said and I acted shocked.

"I am not!" I defended myself and I heard Lisa laugh and we started laughing again.

"So good to hear you kids laughing together again." Lisa said and we both got on the screen, and I smiled seeing her.

"Well right now I'm about to beat up your son because he is arguing with me on a picture and the time frame it was taken." I said and she sighed.

"Show me."

I held up the picture and Lisa thought about it.

"That's 3rd grade last day of school pageant." Lisa said.

"HA! I WAS RIGHT!" I yelled and Chris rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Ma." Chris said and she laughed.

"What have I always told you Chris?" Lisa asked.

"The woman is always right." Chris repeated.

"Damn right!" I said, I had since gotten up from my seat and was dancing around the living room and Dodger was barking and chasing me around. "Want to dance bubba?" I asked and picked up his front paws and held then as I easily moved with him. Chris was laughing and I noticed he had gotten off the phone with Lisa quickly and was recording me with Dodger.

I finished soon after and then sat back down. I smiled at Chris and he was just shaking his head.

"I always forgot how much you gloated when you were right." Chris said and I smiled at him as we continued putting pictures in the albums.

After a few hours I got to a picture we took when we started off on the road trip. I just looked at it.

"I have an idea for this one." I said out loud and rushed into my bedroom and grabbed an empty picture frame. I walked back out to the living room putting the picture in the frame and put it up on the mantel where all my other personal pictures were.

"You really want me up there?" Chris asked and I nodded with a smile.

"You belong on the mantel Chris." I said and he got up and walked over to me.

"Thank you, Frankie." Chris said and kissed my cheek.

"You're welcome." I said and he smiled.

Chris did belong on the mantel with everyone else in my life, Chris was back and was becoming my friend again. That's all that mattered to me right now.

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