Saving P'Earth.

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Something was wrong. Earth just had this feeling in the pit of his stomach.

He had already had a long day at the office, finished his last meeting at 7:30 PM, barely on time, and he was in a rush to make it to the location Luke had sent him. He had been told that there was a canal that ran through the area and that the drugs were going to change hands under the bridge that was built across it.

He was not here to stop the deal. That was more of Drake's cup of tea, he was just merely gathering evidence. It was not like he could not hold his own in a fight. No, that was far from the truth. In fact, between all their men in the Triad, he was the only one who had defeated Ohm once. He picked out surveillance because he was just not the biggest fan of violence.

Surveillance was his job and surveillance was what he was here to do. This job had been too difficult for the police as they could not track the underground drug network and hence, they had involved the Triad.

The only problem was that now that he was here, he had the gut feeling that it was a trap. He was at the Canal and under the bridge, hidden from sight, but having his own eye on everything and there was no sign of what he had been expecting. His first thought obviously was that maybe they were late, but his experience dictated that deals such as this, were very time sensitive and would never not be on time, which is why he knew something was up.

It was a good thing that he had already told Luke to meet him here with a few of their men so back up was already on the way. But it was concerning that even Luke was late which was never the case.

Anyway, he decided to stick around in the area for a few more minutes, just in case anyone showed up. He crouched down where he was sitting, and his mind started running with the thoughts of his partner.

Mix was at home and the doctor was supposed to visit them today. In a way he was thankful that the information that Luke got was incorrect. If the deal was actually happening tonight, there was no way he would have made it home on time and then Mix would have killed him. After killing him, Mix would have sulked around the house for a few hours and seeing that Ohm would have killed him. So, all in all, the deal not happening tonight was somewhat in his favor.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rustling from behind his hiding spot and he turned around to inspect, with one hand automatically reaching for the gun attached to his hip.

However, before he could pull it out, somebody grabbed his arm from behind him. Whoever this was, was strong, but not as strong as Earth, so it was not very difficult for him to free himself. But just as he was about to turn around and look at his assailant, he realized there was not one but many of them.

Multiple hands pulled him from the back and held him steadily. Now he was struggling to get free. He could hear the grunts and curses from his assailants as well. Good. It was not easy to hold him down.

Questions started running through his mind. Had the entire thing been a trap? Was this meant to capture him? Why would anyone want to capture him? Had they not heard about Ohm's 'no-touch' list? Or maybe they simply did not care.

His questions did not remain unanswered for long as a bulky man, dressed in all black, with a mask covering his face, approached him from the front.

Momentarily, Earth stopped struggling and looked him dead in the eye.

"Do you have a death wish?" he asked, trying to intimidate his assailants. Well, if he was being honest, this was not a threat. It was more like a warning. Ohm would surely not be happy.

"No, I wish to kill you." The man sneered in response.

"Do you know who I am?"

"I know very well Earth Pirapat of the Triad. You are Ohm Pawat's right hand, and I am about to cut you off."

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