Panic Attack.

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Author Notes: Trigger Warning - Panic Attack. Grab that tissue box. 

It had already been a week since the bet debacle, and all was going to Nanon's plan. He had successfully avoided any further interaction with Mr. Pawat and had tried not to be an inconvenience to anyone in the house.

P'Mix was trying his best to coax Nanon out of his shell, but unfortunately, that was not going to happen anymore. Nanon would never forget his place again.

Well, that was the plan in Nanon's head. God did not agree.

On day thirty-two, as he entered the Pawat mansion after a long day at the university, he got the shock of his life.

There on the couch with Mr. Pawat and P'Drake was none other than Korn. Korn's back was facing the entrance, so he had not noticed Nanon, but Nanon could recognize that voice anywhere. He had heard it too often in his nightmares.

It was like the ground moved from underneath Nanon and he almost descended into hyper ventilation. Korn had found him, and he was going to take Nanon back.

Distracted by his impending doom, Nanon's didn't see P'Perth standing nearby, and bumped directly into him. Nanon fell backwards to the ground and announced his presence.

"Non!" he heard P'Perth gasp. Nanon still could not look away from what was in front of him.

Worst of all, Korn now turned back, looked at him and smiled that toothy grin of his.

Nanon wanted to puke.

Unconsciously, his eyes then moved to Mr. Pawat, as if asking for protection, only to find him frowning.

Fuck. Obviously, Nanon had just embarrassed him in front of what clearly looked like an important guest. Getting a grip of his thoughts at that rather sobering idea, he took P'Perth's hand that was being offered to him.

"Are you okay?" he asked Nanon softly.

"Yes Phi, sorry I did not see you there." Nanon said with a forced smile.

Korn was still looking at him, with the same lewd eyes.

"Non why don't you go to you room. Rest up. P'Mix wants to take you shopping later."

Suddenly, P'Drake's voice broke through the silence that had taken over the living room. Once again, Nanon's eyes went to Mr. Pawat, who was looking like he was going to burst. P'Drake was right, Nanon should leave. He had done enough.

"Yes Phi," he quickly bowed his head and shuffled out of the room and up the staircase.

Mr. Pawat was going to be livid.


[Author's note: Trigger warning – Panic Attack]

Nanon was not panicking. He had no reason to panic. He was in the Pawat mansion, and nothing would happen to him here. Right?

Why wouldn't his hands stop shaking then?

He had even tried to distract himself from what had happened with his assignment, that was due tomorrow, but he just couldn't focus, not matter how much he tried. His damn hands just wouldn't stop shaking.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. And going by the sound of the footsteps preceding the said knock, it was obvious who was on the other side of the door, Mr. Pawat.

It had been almost an hour since the debacle in the living room. The events were chillingly similar to what it had been like at his Uncle's house.

§ Korn sitting in the living room outside. Check.

[OhmNanon Mafia AU] Melting IceWhere stories live. Discover now