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•Dream Sequence•

I opened my eyes and was hit with bright white light. It finally died down and I saw....... nothing.
I turned and saw a lady with flowing blonde hair that was dressed like a fine lady. She looked flawless.
"Call me mommy dear. It makes me feel younger."
"Ok............. mommy. Umm.... what's going on?"
A bistro table and chairs appeared and she took a seat and motioned for me to do the same. I sat across from her and coffee and some muffins appeared on the table.
"I'm not....... dead, am I?"
"Oh no dear. If you were, you'd be talking to your grandfather."
"Where am I?"
"It's called The Middle. This is where demigods come when the gods are unsure of what their fate shall be."
"What's going on?"
"The gods are trying to decide what shall happen to you, wether you do die or not. Your grandfather and Zeus are taking sides, along with the other gods. Zeus isn't your biggest fan."
"That doesn't surprise me," I muttered as Aphrodite slid me a cup of coffee.
"I'm on your grandfather's side, of course. Between you and me, you're my favorite child."
"I am?"
"Yes dear. You actually fight for what's right. You don't wait for others to save you. You are a hero."
"But I didn't do anything heroic....."
"That doesn't mean that can't change."
I looked down at my cup and sighed. "So...... what did you come for?"
"There's a prophecy that was made before you were born."
I nearly choked on my coffee as I took a sip. "T-there is?"
She nodded. "I suppose you should know what it is."
"That would be nice."
She nodded before everything faded to black. I saw nothing, and heard nothing except for my own breathing.
'There shall be one, with the power of death and love.
When he was born, he was blessed by the gods above.
For they knew he would be the hero who would save them all.
He gained the powers of the gods whom blessed
But shall need to discover them with the help of his friends.
He shall try his best to answer the call,
But water shall be the cause of his fall.
The longer he sleeps, the more destruction reaps.
He shall destroy the traitor among his friends,
And see old friends and make amends.
But in the end, it shall come between him and his best friend.'
The darkness faded and I looked at Aphrodite.
"That was you're prophecy dear. You are destined to be a hero, and to save the world."
"But....... how do I?"
"The titans and giants are rising again."

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