Chapter 36

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-In Sovieshu's Office-


-Third Person POV-

"It will take a while for the rumors to completely disappear. Still, it's fortunate that Lord Alan took his sister away before things got out of hand." Count Firnir said "Hmm...The nobles look down on..." Sovieshu mumbled gaining Count Firnir's attention "Is there a problem? I know Rashta is looked down on by the nobles." Count Firnir said and Sovieshu looked up at him "I'm not talking about Rashta, I'm talking about Angelica. Some nobles still look down on Angelica, even if the Empress recognizes her as family in front of everyone." Sovieshu said as Count Firnir chuckled nervously. "There are indeed some nobles that look down on Angelica for being born a commoner and a slave, but the majority think that she's a second model Empress figure, and a lovely, bubbly, social, and beautiful Mistress...Because It's hard to find someone so innocent in polite society." Count Firnir said, "That might be a complement to an ordinary Noblewoman, but Angelica is too naive and kind for her own good. The nobles need to find her somewhat intimidating." Sovieshu said as Count Firnir looked nervous.

"Ah, I have something to report to you about Viscount Lotteshu. Some suspicious people have been spotted on his estate asking about Rashta" Count Firnir said making Sovieshu sigh and rubbing his head "I suppose they want to know whether Rashta is really a slave or not. Find out who's behind it." Sovieshu said and Count Firnir nodded with a bow "Yes, Your Majesty." He said and left the room leaving Baron Lante and Sovieshu in the room alone "Your Majesty." Baron Lante called out making Sovieshu turn to him "What is it?" Sovieshu asked "Lady Angelica told me this morning that she wants to learn palace etiquette for Empresses. Lady Rashta said the same thing but palace etiquette for Nobles" Baron Lante said with a nervous look as Sovieshu turned to him. "Etiquette for Empresses? Etiquette for Nobles?" Sovieshu asked curious where this came from "Lady Angelica said she wants to be just like Empress Navier, and Her Majesty agreed to it saying she'll help along with the teaching. While Lady Rashta I think it's because of that incident Count Firnir mentioned." Baron Lante said looking down as Sovieshu nodded "I see. Make sure Angelica is taught by the best teachers the Empress can find and for Rashta some honorable and good teachers  you can find." Sovieshu said as Baron Lante looked surprised 'I honestly thought he would have told me to find the best teachers for Lady Rashta, since he is letting the Empress pick out Lady Angelica's teachers and herself helping along with the teaching.' Baron Lante thought.

"I'm worried that Angelica's bubbly and innocent charm might fade as a result, since you know who the Empress is." Sovieshu said making Baron Lante chuckle "She's simply be able to act more like the Empress, but she will always have that charm with her. Your Majesty." Baron Lante said noticing he didn't say anything about Rashta losing her charm "Even a ten year old can start to act like an adult noble after taking classes on etiquette. Also, Angelica will be taught by the Empress too. It might be the same for Angelica." Sovieshu said with a sigh as he looked down, while Baron Lante shook his head 'He's worrying too much. Lady Angelica will always have her innocent and bubbly charm to her.' Baron Lante thought


-Angelica's Dress, Hairstyle and Accessories-

(Do you guys think that Navier, Rashta, or both of them are a better base for Angelica's colors when using for outfits?)

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(Do you guys think that Navier, Rashta, or both of them are a better base for Angelica's colors when using for outfits?)


-In The Sitting Room-


-Third Person POV-

Angelica sat down next to Navier as Diane, Cecilia, and Syliva sat next to Countess Joubert while she poured tea for the four ladies that had arrived "I did what you asked me, Your Majesty! Alishute show Miss Lebetti to that woman in front of everyone!" Laura said in a happy tone while Cecilia giggled "It was very amusing to see." Cecilia said as Diane nodded agreeing with her "You did well, Laura. What kind of person was Lebetti?" Navier asked and Angelica went into her bubbly mode since she was with the ones she loves "Oh! I want to know too! I didn't get to meet or talk to her at the party." Angelica said as Laura turned to her and Navier "She seemed like the friendly type. And she hasn't been presented at court yet as a debutante. Alishute seems to have taken a liking to her." Laura said.

"I see. Then can you ask Miss Alishute to do one more thing?" Navier asked as Laura nodded "Just say the word, Your Majesty." Laura said happily as they all left leaving Navier, Countess Eliza, Countess Syliva, and Angelica "Honestly I was quite surprised when you are involving yourself with that woman, Sister Navier." Angelica said making the two older women nod agreeing with her "I thought you wanted to avoid getting involved with her as much as possible, But it appears you have changed your mind." Countess Eliza said as Navier looked at the three "We can no longer continue to ignore each other. I'll need to draw a line between us." Navier said with a closed eye smile.

"Oh, I remember that I have found the best teachers for you Angelica and I'll make sure to help along the way." Navier said facing Angelica who smiled at her back "Thank you, Sister Navier. You are the best!" Angelica squealed happily hugging Navier.

 You are the best!" Angelica squealed happily hugging Navier

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