Chapter 39

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-Rashta's Room-


-Rashta POV-

I sat down on a couch in my room as I flipped threw a book of debut ball dress designs 'Too extravagant, too fancy, too pretty...' I thought and closed the book with a sigh and passed it back to the seamstress making her look up at me "Are none of these dresses to your liking, My Lady?" The Seamstress asked holding the book "No. I don't like any of them. They're too pretty." I said turning away from her as she looked at me nervously "Pardon? Ah...Are you perhaps looking for a simpler style?" She asked making me shake my head "No." I said and waved her away slumping my face into a pillow next to me as the seamstress left my room and the door clicked shut 'Honestly, I don't even want to give a handkerchief to Lebetti. And certainly not a dress.' I thought. Soon Countess Verdi's voice called out to me "Would you like me to find a suitable dress if you do not wish to choose one yourself, My Lady?" Viscountess Verdi asked me making me pull my face out of the pillow and turn my gaze onto her "No, choosing the dress isn't the problem." I said and a personal maid of mine named Delice ran inside my room calling out my name "Lady Rashta! Lady Rashta!" Viscountess Verdi turned to her with a stern look "Don't raise your voice when speaking to Her Ladyship" Viscountess Verdi said as I sat up while Delice flinched at the stern voice Viscountess Verdi had.

"It's fine. What's the matter, Delice?" I asked turning my gaze onto the young maid as Delice walked over to me and kneeled down in front of me "Her Majesty and Lady Angelica are planning to throw a  tea party soon!" Delice said with a smile as I looked at her curious "A tea party?" I asked and she nodded and they turned to Viscountess Verdi "Ah...That's right. Her Majesty usually hosts a tea party around this time of year and invites ladies who live near the palace." Viscountess Verdi said as I hummed in understanding then I remembered looking down as I had the pillow in my lap "But why are you even telling me about this? The Empress isn't going to invite me." I said. "Don't worry, My Lady. Her Majesty is sending out invitations right now. I'm sure she'll invite you." Delice said as I looked down 'True. The Empress may hate me, but she cares about her image. She might send me an invitation if only to avoid being seen as too cold.' I thought with a sad look and a pout.


-Angelica's Dress, Hairstyle and Accessories-


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-Third Person POV-

Angelica was walking around the palace grounds with Diane and Cecilia following behind her as they were walking they spotted the seamstress '...Perfect timing...' Anelica thought with a smirk and she walked over to the seamstress "Oh! Hello, Lady Angelica." The Seamstress said bowing as Angelica gave her a soft smile "Hello. What brought you to the palace?" Angelica asked with a curious look "Lady Rashta called me to make a dress for a friend of hers. But she couldn't choose one, so she wanted me to leave." The Seamstress said and Angelica hid her smirk 'Ah...That's it. Viscount Lotteshu wanted Rashta to have a dress made for Lebetti for the debutante ball. But Rashta made sure that it looked like Lebetti copied her. Why don't I change that.'  Angelica thought.

"Why don't I choose for Lady Rashta? I have great taste and I know that this friend of Rashta's will like the dress I choose." Angelica said and waved Diane over "Here is the design of the dress, I think it will look good on the young lady." Angelica said as Diane handed over a very detailed outline of a dress design making the Seamstress look in awe and surprised "This is a lovely drawing, Lady Angelica! When did you learn to do this?" She asked making Angelica let out a soft chuckle "I always had a knack for drawing growing up." Angelica said and then looked down with a sad look "Most nobles look down on me for my slave background, but I know that the Empress and Emperor love me and care for me. I want the nobles to get along with me." Angelica said softly.

The Seamstress looked at Angelica in awe at her angelic features and her eyes holding sadness and admiration "My Lady..." her voice trailed off as tears filled her eyes 'I didn't know Lady Angelic felt this way... I'd make sure to be in Lady Angelica's debt forever!' The Seamstress thought and gave Angelica a smile "Don't worry, Lady Angelica. I am forever in your debt and will be with you forever." Angelica wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded "Thank you. I hope you can make this tiny request for me." Angelica said and the Seamstress nodded "I will." She said and walked away with the design in her arms 

"Good acting, My Lady." Cecilia said as they continued to walk "Rashta was going to have a dress made to be like hers and make it seem Miss Lebetti copied her. So, I made sure that won't happen." Angelica said with a smile "Lebetti seems like a cute small puppy, she has grown on me and I want to protect her. She will be forever in my protection." Angelica said with a serious tone her face emotionless.

" Angelica said with a serious tone her face emotionless

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