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Students from College of Nursing were patiently lining up before their turn at the food tray dispensers.

Their distinct all-white uniform stood out amongst the crowd.

It's true.

They needed not to be the loudest.

But their bearing alone distinguished them from the others.

You'll learn intensive discipline when you go to nursing.

My mom often shared her journey on how she ended up in nursing, how she pursued this degree, and how she's still thriving in this profession.

And when she learned that I chose a different path, she got devastated.

She wanted to understand why.

She thought that the more I become exposed of the nursing environment, the more eager I aspire.

But it ricocheted.

Nursing was not for me.

But Eric.

From the College of Nursing.

I remembered him again.

His troubled face turned gentle and calm when rest visited him in his hospital bed.

He was sleeping like a baby.

I watched him by the entrance door of his suite. 

The door was left open.

I tried to come inside but my feet weighed a ton.

"Excuse me?"

A familiar voice slipped thru my hearing senses. It was the same voice that teleported me back to the scene where the rain was pouring heavily and Eric tried to get up as soon as she approached them.

A muffled thunder clapped Maureen's left cheek.

"What have you done?" she asked.

"Stephanie, stop!" Eric yelled at her as he grabbed her right arm.

"Was this the real reason why you broke up with me, Eric? Is she the reason why?" she confronted Eric this time.

Maureen was lost in space. She struggled to find a single word.

"She has nothing to do with this," Eric said. "Stephanie, we are over. You need to stop!"

"No, Eric," she insisted. "I don't understand why this has to be over. Five years, Eric! Five years! It was such a beautiful and memorable time of our lives together. Why?"

"I already told you the reason why, Stephanie," Eric said. There was so much sadness coming out from his voice. "Because you've changed."

"Did I really? Or was it you? Or is it because you have been cheating all this time?"

She stared Maureen who turned statue from where she was standing.

Her eyes were set ablaze.

Eric grabbed her chin and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"I never cheated on you, Stephanie. And never will. But I treasure the five years we had."

Stephanie folded on her knees after what Eric said. Her white pants soaked by the running rain water before the asphalt. The rain felt colder and stronger at this time.

"Tell me this is not over yet, Eric. Please! We can talk this out. I promise to be the old version of myself. Please. Please. I beg you," she said as she reached for his both hands.

"Please Stephanie," he said as he helped her get up. He hugged her. "You need to let go of me now."

Stephanie stood in a trance.

I watched her classmate pulled her next to the line.

While everybody focused their gaze at them, the loud and lively walls of the canteen became muted.

From excessive noise to awkward silence.

"Excuse me?" she repeated. "May I help you?"

I turned around to see her. She was standing behind me.

It was the girl with the same all-white uniform like Eric's.

Her name was Stephanie.

No wonder her voice sounded familiar.

"Oh, no. Please don't mind me. I was just passing by," I told her.

I lifted my cemented feet with all the force I got.

My rubber shoes shrieked every time I slid on the polished hospital floors while turning away.

"Wait," she said. "I recognized you."

My body came to a sudden stop.

I felt the tremendous vacuum-like force pulling me backwards.

"Were you there earlier?" she asked.

"This morning at the accident," she clarified.

I nodded before I turned around and faced her again.

Her soiled pants were very evident of her agony.

Pain was striking on her eyes.

I never imagined a woman would beg down to her knees for a second chance before. I felt staked in the heart when I seen this one. Must take a lot of courage.

"My driver brought me here to have my arm rechecked. He was worried that I might have hurt myself when he slammed the break. Our car almost crashed this morning," I said. "But I'm on my way out now. So happened to see this door left open. I was just curious."

Her eyes darted at me.

She walked pass our long table.

"That was Stephanie Prince," Ralph Frederick told the class.

"She won Miss Intramurals last year," Gail Mason added.

"With Eric Martin George as Mister Intramurals," Anika Bailey seconded.

"Both from the College of Nursing," Michelle Young affirmed.

"Rumor said that the two were a long time lovers," John Wyatt mentioned. "But their relationship started crumbling just the beginning of this year."

"I hope they stay stronger," Michelle Young said. "They look like a cute couple."

"I agree. But if not, I am here for Stephanie Prince," Ralph Frederick said. "I think she is very attractive."

"Not for you," I said.

Everyone laughed.

The amusement far dead in the canteen came back to life. The walls filled with laughter and chattering again. 

Everyone minded back their business.

Our section hasted to finish their meals before we headed to our next class.

Stephanie Prince

From the College of Nursing

I watched her joined her classmates at the far corner.

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