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After I finished showering and preparing for school, I headed downstairs where I saw mom and Bryan eating at the dining table. Theresa made them some bacons, eggs and tuna sandwiches for breakfast. 

Mom asked me to join them but I refused. I convinced her that I would be running late for school and that I overslept last night. Yesterday's photo and video shoots were extremely exhausting, I mentioned to her.

"Very well. Good luck with school today," she said.

In my way out, Theresa approached to fetch my bags and place them inside the car. She waited for me to sit comfortably before she reminded me of my hair appointment this Sunday, which had already been scheduled in my calendar, while she closed the door and waved goodbye.

I noticed that Robert kept peeking over the rearview mirror when he began driving. He asked if I needed or forgot something as this was supposed to be the time when I should be wearing my headphones already, listening to music while reading my book, and yet my eyes were darted on the console beside the dashboard.

"Would you like to listen to the Adamson's channel, sir?" he asked, but I took a long time to respond. So with his initiative, he pressed the screen and navigated through the radio list. DJ Summer's voice set off when he found it. He then turned up the volume. 

I crossed my arms while I leaned back to the leathered seat, transferring my gaze over the window. 

"It's official! The list of delegate names has been announced yesterday morning through our very own TV channel. Twelve pairs, representing each college, will vie for the crown of this year's Mister and Miss Intramurals. According to the initial survey we did yesterday afternoon, many students were betting on their own college representatives. However, Paulo Perez and Charmaine Kristof, both from the College of Nursing, are placed as top contenders while following the successful reign of their very own predecessor, Eric Martin George and Stephanie Prince."

Paulo Perez

Charmaine Kristof

I typed their names down on my notepad while I paid close attention to the broadcast.

"Here with me this morning is a very good friend of mine, a co-DJ, a pageant enthusiast and the lead event organizer of Mister and Miss Intramurals himself, Mr. Tyson Villamor. Tyson, tell us what are we looking forward to in this pageant."

"Thank you, DJ Summer, and good morning to all listeners, especially to the students of Adamson. Next week will be a stellar alignment of celestial bodies as we bring twelve zodiac signs, following this year's theme: astrology, to parade, compete and be hailed as the most lucid of them all. On Monday, we will introduce all delegates during the opening ceremony then followed by a sponsor's event on Tuesday, while the rest of the week will be busy with pre-pageant schedule and that's before the most anticipated final night on Friday."

"So much excitement, Tyson. We can feel and see that the students slash spectators of this upcoming pageant have been supporting their delegates in any way possible, from live and, most especially, online since yesterday after the official announcement. In USC forum page, one student shared her anticipation for this first big event kicking off the academic year. Others, such freshmen, expressed their delight to be participating and be in a spotlight for this university activity. Are there some more exciting news coming our way, Tyson?"

"Yes, DJ Summer. Tomorrow, students can expect the official poster of all delegates hanging along the university square. That's aside from our post online which will be in our official website: Also, this Friday, we will be releasing another post to remain confidential for now, but for sure, it will be a grand surprise. As always, you can support your delegates in our website by liking, commenting and sharing their posters online until we reach the big final night."

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