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Robert asked if I needed to go to the hospital which I refused to. Probably, it was just a minor heartburn but my smartwatch showed otherwise. It was an excessive heartbeat caused by panic or fatigue. It suggested to stop what I was doing and to take a deep breath.



For once, I forgot about that guy from nursing, especially when I got busy practicing for the pageant. But when I heard of his name again, I felt transported back to the day of the accident.

What is going on with me?

I stared the ceiling while contemplating. We arrived at the house passed eleven. Everyone was asleep already so I just went straight to my room and threw myself on the bed. There I got drowned with the comfort of my blanket and pillows immediately. I woke up the next day with the sun shining on my face.

I got up and changed to my gym clothes.

Theresa and other housekeepers greeted me when I went downstairs. They were busy cleaning the inside of the house which reminded me of the George family coming for a dinner tomorrow night.

She told me that mom had to run to the flower shop while dad was checking the wine cellar. If I needed something, she mentioned to let her know. 

I didn't bother. 

I let them do their thing while I continued my way to the fitness room that's facing the pool area. Saturday mornings became my favorite time to workout.

After I finished warming up, I hopped on the treadmill to practice my walk.

Shoulder straight.

Chest out.

Chin up.

Stomach in.

Nemesis would yell at me if I shake my shoulder while walking. She said that it has to remain steady but not stiff. We watched plenty of ramp male model videos while she pointed out a lot of these things during our training this week. She would also remind me of my posture, to never stare at the floor and be confident with my facial expressions.

When I got enough, I jumped to the bench for some presses and dumbbell exercises before I dove into the pool. 

Water splashed after I plunged in. It's cool and refreshing while the sun kissed warmth on my face. What a delight after a week of hustling!

The water rippled when I let my body float all the way up. I thought that the week gone by fast which was true. But now I wondered how the next week would be. It's our rehearsal week. Much dreadful and loaded as what the student council informed us.

I soaked up for about an hour before I rinsed off at the shower room by the spa. I saw Henry on my way. He said he was busy trimming the plants and fixing the outdoor lights. My mom asked him to install new lanterns at the front yard, at the fountain by the dining room and at the pool area. It looked like everyone was anticipating for the George's arrival tomorrow. And I heard my grandparents were coming over, too.

As much as I wanted to help but I got stuck in my room for the rest of the afternoon while finishing up all my homework. The student council advised us to feel obligated to work on our curricular tasks first before immersing ourselves to our pageant sideline. This way, by the end of the academic year, we won't sacrifice our grades over enjoying our pageant journey. 

What I loved about our student council was that they were always there for us—to guide, to help and to nurture us. I always appreciated their counsel since the day when we received their invitation, even up until today. They never failed us. This fueled my drive to strive for more and to excel.

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