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His teal ocean eyes were glaring under the bright light coming from the headboard.

He won't stop staring at me.


I stepped backwards when a sudden electric shock tickled my body.

He was holding my fingers.

I shook it off.

"Mr. Andrew Salazar, are you paying attention?"

Michelle Young tapped my shoulder.

She said I spaced out and was looking at the window since the beginning of the class. She asked if something was bothering me.

The whole class was already staring at me.

I saw Mrs. Nueva strutting down from the front of the classroom to my seat by the window.

"Here. Why don't you solve the next problem on the board?" she said as she handed me an erasable whiteboard pen.

I felt terrible.

What happened at the hospital last night kept rewinding at the back of my mind.

His name.

When displayed on the sign outside the door.

His stares.

When I was scanning the room.

His voice.

When he asked me to wait.

Why do I keep remembering them all?

"Mr. Salazar?" Mrs. Nueva asked again.

Her shrilling voice vibrated throughout my body. 

A complete opposite of vibration I experienced from Eric's.

This one was terrifying that it took my full comprehension back.

She hissed.

Patience ran out of her as she placed her other hand on her waist.

Students claimed that she's a grumpy and strict mathematics professor.

I could attest it myself.

"Go to the board and solve problem number three," she demanded.

"Sure," I said.

Do I have a choice?


I dragged myself up and rushed to the board.

She followed me and stood behind my back.

I was towering her for some few inches in height.

Loud pounding of heartbeats echoed in the entire classroom as I wrote the equation and soon came up with a correct answer.

It was the same loud pounding of heartbeat I heard when he told me that he appreciated our visit.


That guy from nursing.

Not again!

"Good!" she said.

But never impressed.

"Now go back to your seat and focus," she instructed.

My classmates started clapping and cheering for me.

I smirked back at them.

They thought I would fail this time.

That Guy from Nursing - (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now