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Maureen Anderson paused for a moment before whipping her hair with a smooth but quick twirl. She called it, the thunderstorm walk. 

Like a thunderstorm, flashes of lightning began when she posed, then followed by a loud roaring of thunder when she twirled, and heavy rain pouring when she's conquering the stage. 

This was her signature catwalk since high school, she unveiled to us, but this thunderstorm reminded me of something else. 

The day when a muffled thunder clapped under the splashing of the heavy rain, I saw Stephanie Prince slapped her on the cheek and Eric tried to stop them. She was mortified, struggling to find a single word. When the ambulance came, she took the chance to flee.

But now, she was brimming with smiles as she flaunted her catwalk while charging us at the main entrance of the theater building. The lobby ravaged with her presence.

When she got close, Gail received her while spreading her arms wide open. 

They started giggling as they exchanged kisses on the cheeks. Both appeared to be delighted seeing each other again, just like the first time.

We followed her lead to the lounge where most of the delegates were already seated while entertaining themselves as they waited for the choreographer to arrive.

All eyes on us when we entered.

The sliding door propped open and remained still when I stood in between. 

I scanned the room with some of their familiar faces. 

I recognized a few whom I got acquainted with yesterday.

There's Paulo Perez and Charmaine Kristof from the College of Nursing, Leonard Fritz who's partner of Maureen Anderson from College of Arts & Sciences, and Fin Amorsolo and Mae Lambador from the College of Education.

They all thought that we were the choreographer, along with the USC officers they'd been waiting for, but they returned to their own businesses in dismay. 

At least, we were still a head-turner just like yesterday when we had our stage rehearsals.

It was after our class when we had to proceed at the theater building for the second day of the rehearsal week.

When we arrived, I noticed that they put an extension ramp placed in the middle, across the apron, while achieving an inverted t-shaped stage. That way, according to the organizer, we would be given an ample amount of time to present ourselves to the judges and to the audiences.

We took this advantage as Gail and I loved to play the stage with our catwalks and poses, especially with long ramps like that. 

Nemesis trained us how to savor all the time given to us while the spotlight's still focusing with our presentation. 

She would always say that it's very important to never look rushed on the stage. And that's how we put all of our competitive competitors in their places yesterday.

Although, they were all stunned after we both slayed every blocking of each category, but we'd never stayed complacent. 

For sure, they still had deck of cards hiding underneath their gloves. Like Maureen Anderson, I assessed that she would be a great threat for Gail Mason in this upcoming competition.

As three of us talked about random things during our water break, Gail Mason and Maureen Anderson mentioned that both of them had been joining the same pageants since first year high school, but Maureen Anderson would always get the crown. Apparently, Gail Mason couldn't keep up with her.

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