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Twelve pairs of delegates.

Representing each colleges.

Vying for the prestigious crown.

All eyes darted on the big screen outside the Adamson hall when the teaser video for Mister & Miss Intramurals aired for the first time.

The speakers mounted on the poles along the university square was booming with thrilling music and sound effects while building a dramatic tension as the audio announced each twelve colleges.

We are supposed to be heading at the canteen for lunch but Michelle Young received a tip off from Broadcast Guild (a student organization for all broadcasting students) that the University Student Council selected this timeslot to air the teaser. A perfect timing when our class just got dismissed. 

My classmates raced off outside the grand hall to catch this airing. Although this video would be played every day at eleven in the morning over and over now (probably until the final night), but they insisted to watch it on the big screen for the first time.

College of Communication.

Mister Andrew Salazar.

Miss Gail Mason. 

Our names and I.D. pictures were displayed on the screen when our college got called next.

I was stunned while seeing my face set out for the entire university to see.

Everything seemed surreal. 

I couldn't convince myself that other students might recognize me now—at least my face, if not my name—as much as I couldn't believe that I would be representing the college I picked in choosing of a different path.

Gail Mason stood beside me upon emerging from the crowd.

We rubbed elbows before I noticed that she glided her hand on my right arm until she reached for my hand.

"Let's do this," she said.

Her hand firmed tightly on mine as I focused my gaze at her.

"It's official now," she said.

I lost in words. 

We just smiled at each other.

Next week.

During the Adamson Institute Foundation's Intramurals Week.

The audio continued with the announcement of the upcoming major events with visual shown on the screen. The following list had already been set in our calendars.


The opening ceremony.

A grand float parade with the introduction of all delegates.


A mall fashion show with our famous sponsor of a sportswear brand.


The avant-garde show competition.


The awarding ceremony of sports events.

And Friday.

The big night.

The crowning of the next Mister and Miss Intramurals.

Stay tune in for more updates!

This information is brought to you by the University Student Council.

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