|~Transformation Pt2~|

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Continuation of |~Transformation~| on request of Nexisheree_47 (ty)
(pls read the first part of this first btw or else you're gonna be rly confused about why grian is chained to a wall, lmao)

TW: one singular curse word, mentions of past torture, being trapped, small description of harm, self hatred (if there's more, pls tell me)

Xisumas POV

I hated this feeling, the feeling of being.. watched. I thought I knew how it felt. After all, I've always been a great public speaker and never had any problems with being watched.. but now I know they were never truly watching me.

Watchers are known for three things:
1. Their masks are iconic. They're a transparent white with.. what I believe is the evo symbol on it? All I really know is that evo is the first server destroyed by watchers and that everyone on there was either killed or turned or missing, although I believe only two people were turned - one being the admin, the other being his sister I believe?? It was all very confusing. Anyways, watchers masks had the well-known evo symbol on it, which was two L shapes and two small circles.

2. Their wings. Big, heavy wings with a purple that's almost impossible to look at.. like some sort of sick optical illusion. But most importantly, the ombre. The way they fade from black to purple to white was incredible, I remember reading about something one time. Apparently, some guy got ahold of two watchlings, which were basically watcher servants who weren't powerful enough to be actual watchers. He forced them into captivity, killing them from what I read at least 200 time, and each time before he'd kill them, he'd take their wings. He then proceeded to sell their wings for millions a piece, getting super rich. I didn't hold a very high opinions of watchers, infact I despise them, but I still feel terrible for them - that must've been so unbelievably painful..

And 3. Their gaze. I've always heard you've never been looked at until a watcher has looked at you, but now I know it's true...

Me and Etho stood behind thick glass, staring intently at the watcher before us. Tall, menacing looking like it would snap awake and kill us at any second.. but most importantly, mysterious. It looked like some godly being and that it's above us all.. like it's part of something bigger than ourselves, and we were never intended to even lay eyes upon it.

Even after having watched it for a good three hours, there was still something so captivating.. irresistible about it.. maybe a dangerous beauty?? I just couldn't look away.. watching the watcher? Ironic.

But finally, slowly, its eyes opened. At first groggily, but then in a very panicked way, it's eyes darting everywhere like it was trying to assess the situation.. and then it looked at me. Directly at me.

Finally, I realized what people meant about a watchers gaze.

Its eyes looked at me. Directly at me, nothing else. Time had stopped, and I was the only thing it could look at. Its gaze pierced me like an arrow, looking at me. Through me. I felt naked, exposed like it could see right into me. It could see me. Everything. My darkest secret, if i was lying, anything and everything about who I was - me. Like it had taken me and memorized each minutus detail of me and had absorbed it all.

A chill ran down my spine, and looking over at Etho, I could tell he felt the exact same horrid but validating feeling. "The perfect audience." That fraze popped into my head for some reason, and I quickly shook my head inwardly. The worst audience. The kind that would make you break down crying after a simple mistake in your pre-planned speech, who would judge every.single.action. you take. Who would notice the slightest twitch in your leg, the slightest shake in your hand, the slightest tremble in your core. Watchers truly captured the feelings of being watched. Whoever named them had the right idea.

Grian Angst |~One Shots~|Where stories live. Discover now