Finally free

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Sordun was not like his brethren. Their brood was situated in the ruins of a nuclear power plant called Chernobyl. Not only was he rare because he was a male hive wizard, but he did not follow the voices that told him to kill. As all of his brethren were cursed by this worm that was telling them to murder, he did not listen to it. In fact, he was doing research on how to get rid of it. He was incredibly smart and gifted, many would use this to their advantage but he while he pretended to help them he was doing his own research. 

Once he had grown powerful enough, one of the strongest in the ranks of that area he could finally be able to free himself. His way will be painful but he found out that it is possible with the help of this material from the reactors to kill the worm inside of him. It will hurt, and he knows it, he might even die, but he is set on killing the worm and freeing himself of this torture. 

He values life, seeing the birds fly, some of the local fauna run around and the flora is quite pretty to look at. Shame to destroy it like his people are doing. Such beauty might not be able to be seen anywhere else. Earth is beautiful in it's own way, every creature deserves a chance. What did the humans do to deserve this? Nothing. They lived their lives, and his people chased them, all because of their pact and hunger.

After a thorough research and reading of the materials that were left by humans when they left this place after some kind of disaster he was ready to do it. To finalize this thing. He was able to feel even when he was but a little thrall that this place was different. His theory is that, since hive are immortal in their throne world he might be able to enter his when he is at the edge of death, to kill of the worm, only transferring his soul into the throne world. And, in hope be able to come back to this plane of existence without that thing inside him. It is a long shot, but somehow this material, not only highly radioactive, but it also seems to have been altered by the being they called The Traveler. 

He walks the empty corridors to the one of the blown up reactors, humans were truly an interesting species. He hopes that he might have a chance to meet some, maybe exchange knowledge, learn more about them. As he got closer and closer he could feel himself getting affected by the radiation. Almost like a burning sensation, but underneath his skin, from the inside. Each step was becoming more and more painful, but he had to continue on, he can't stop now, even if he does die, he will be free. 

He finally finds himself in the reactor room, the burning sensation is intense, as if he is on fire. He can feel himself becoming weak, he knows that he has to time it perfectly. He break of one chunk of this spilled material, a sharp almost like a spike. He presses it against his chest, he knows that that thing is inside there. 

As he grows weaker and weaker he has trouble holding that spike but he has to. And as his vision slowly start going dark he gets ready to jump into the Throne world. But right before he jumps in, he stabs himself in the chest. The pain is intolerable but it is there for only a second. There is only darkness.

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