Preparation for the final confrontation

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A couple days have passed since their reunions and they got to talk about many things, spend time that they should have never been able spend. Cayde definitely opened up more to Crow and they are now really good buddies. But time is running short, the Witness grows stronger and each minute that passes he is closer to his final goal. Zavala, in a confrontation with the Witness lost his ghost which shook him more than anything. Cayde, Crow and Glint decided to keep a secret what Mezsar told them. Even though it was a tough decision, the fact that the things that Mezsar said have a large chance of being true does put a worry to them. They all thought they were great, that they were doing a lot of work was all a lie. If true, their efforts are almost meaningless and that a single Guardian, especially the one without a name and that speaks rarely is so important in the grand scheme of things did put a blow to their egos. If it is true, that they are all pawn, then their job is just to, as Mezsar said, create opportunities for the big fish to strike at. 

That said Guardian did have a confrontation with the witness to and survived which is something. And now they are gathering a force, every single ally to be ready to come forth and strike down at the Witnesses forces. The Guardian had assembled a team of six that he picked out, the ones he knew could do the job that was at hand. They were heading for the Witnesses spire, striking at the heart and possibly find out a weakness that they could use against the Witness. As the team gets ready to head to to the spire a time of uncertainty and an atmosphere thick with worry, stress and desperation. If this doesn't work they are doomed, they could only then rely on Sordun and Mezsar to try and stop the Witness.

Zavala can be seen giving a briefing and a prep talk with the fireteam, you can see the seriousness in their faces, this is a one time chance. If they miss it, it is over for everyone. Crow and Cayde are sitting around a fire, just observing them talk, worried for what the future will hold for them. 

Cayde: Crow, let me ask you something. Do you think they will succeed?

Crow looks at the ground, thinking. Will they? They are capable, but could the just the six of them come out victorious.

Crow: I don't know. One part of me hopes that they do.

Cayde: But another part is skeptical. I feel you, I do. I do also wish for them to succeed, for the universe. What can you tell me about those guys, especially the Queen?

Crow: While I don't know much about them, I do know a little. From others mostly. They are usually not really serious and often like to mess about, but their capabilities and problem solving skills are something else. As for the leader.

Crow takes a long pause as he stares at him. He is a Hunter, a skilled one at that. He was the one that last saw Cayde alive, the one that stopped Eramis, the nightmares, Savathun and others. But his name is not know.

Crow: A skilled warrior, many enemies under his belt. But nobody knows his name, people just call him Guardian and that is all. He doesn't speak much, but is everywhere at the same time. All we know is that he woke up in the Cosmodrome.

Cayde: What do you mean he doesn't have a name? Does his Ghost at least have one?

Crow just shakes his head. This confuses Cayde, most, if not all Guardians do get or already have a name, so for one to not have is extremely odd. He looks the object of conversation up and down, he does remember that face. Now that he remembers it, he  truly didn't speak all too much, and never got his name. But for one that has no name to have so much value in this game and be put so high up in the ranks is worrisome. 

Cayde: If we are the pawns, Sordun is the bishop and that is the Queen, who is then the other bishop, rooks and horses?

Crow: Now that you point it out, I don't really know. Maybe my sister would be somewhere in those ranks but I don't know. But more important, who are the Kings?

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