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Zavala got a report that Sordun had been 'testing' out his powers. He disabled the alarms inside there but he now regrets it. He sighs and rests his head on his palm, this new addition has been more than troublesome but, if what he says is true, at least they can write him off as a neutral, but he would like to get him on their side. As he heads down there to see what the hell is he up to Drifters words can't get out of his head. Could there be another Ahamkara out there that they don't know about? Impossible, the Awoken had hunted all of them down, the only ones they know of are Riven's eggs. Drifter is a untrustworthy, but he wouldn't be so stupid to make all that stuff up. A Ghost of both the Darkness and Light is theoretically impossible, so how. Who.

As he finally gets to the storage room he stands in shock. It is in absolute mess, pipers, vents and even stairs have been destroyed, the ground had been scorched, walls are cracked and Stasis crystals littered all around. Sordun had not noticed that Zavala came in and he is still going at it. Anabelle sits at an edge and watches in admiration, she didn't even try to intervene. 

Drifter: Quite a sight isn't it.

Zavala turns to the source of the sound, Drifter is leaned back against a wall.

Zavala: How did you get in here? I though I forbid you and locked you out of here.

Drifter: I always find a way in. But I have to say, HE is quite impressive, and those eyes, they send shiver down my spine. 

Zavala: A shiver down your spine? How, he isn't threatening. 

Drifter: Well, normally I would say so. But I can't get that damn Ghost out of my head. What if that wish had an ominous thought behind it.

Zavala: What do you mean?

Drifter: I have given it some though. What if that wish isn't to help us?

Zavala: Are you saying that it is to destroy us?

Drifter: Not just us, I don't think and dare to believe that it will stop with us. You see, when he woke up today, he whispered out "I have a purpose now". But it didn't sound like him, as if he shortly just transferred a message from a figure.

Zavala: What kind of purpose does he mean?

Drifter just shrugs his shoulders. He knows as much as him and can only speculate. But he was damn certain that that Ghost, Mezsar, projected a hourglass yesterday when he appeared. But maybe he is just going insane and should take some rest, go for a walk around town and clear up his head. 

Drifter: Let me tell you something I am certain. Well, two things. 

Zavala: What?

Drifter: First, if he entered the Crucible those poor Guardians would stand no chance against them. And secondly, our little Anabelle might have a crush on that big fella. 

Zavala: Explain. 

Drifter: Which.

Zavala: Both.

Drifter: Well, he had been casting supers none stop for hours, we can barely cast one in between ten minutes. And different kind on top of that, plus, I saw him change classes, I saw a Ward of Dawn.... And as for out little Anabelle, I have seen the way she look at him. I mean, look at her now.

Zavala is still trying to process that he cast a Ward of Dawn but he takes the time to look at Anabelle. Drifter isn't wrong, she has her head on her hands, her eyes plastered on him, blushing and playfully swinging her legs. Like a teenager who is madly in love with a boy she saw. Oh how much she will get teased for it does bring a smile on his face, he hasn't seen such looks in a long time. But he has to turn back his attention to Sordun. 

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