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Ikora and Anabelle finally reach the Last City, Anabelle slept through most of the journey. She was really exhausted, drained both physically and mentally. They land in the hangar, Zavala and Osiris both standing there. Zavala has a disapproved look on his face, he wasn't all to happy that Ikora left, but he is glad that she came back safe. Ikora helps Anabelle out of the ship, a fellow Guardian giving her crutches. 

Zavala: I am glad that you both came back safe. And Anabelle, I am sorry for your loss.

Anabelle: Thanks I guess.

Ikora: Go ahead Anabelle, go and rest and heal up. I have to talk to Zavala and Osiris first.

Anabelle just nods and is escorted first towards the infirmary to get her wounds patched up as much as they can be. Once she is out of sight the atmosphere grows serious, questions will be asked.

Zavala: Do you know how dangerous it was for you to go out there? Alone!

Ikora: I know, but I needed to bring her back. It was my fault that she ended up in that situation.

Osiris: Is it true, her Ghost is gone?

Ikora just nods, Osiris knows the pain of loosing a fellow friend. He is a man of reason, but still, he is a being with emotions and loosing a Sagira had left a toll on him. Still, it hasn't stopped him from doing dangerous stunts. 

Zavala: What did you see there? 

Ikora: A lot of fallen. They must have a base of operations in that area. I can't tell you are rough number on how many there are. But I can tell that there are lots of them.

Zavala: I will send out more scouts to gather more intel about that area. In the meantime, I presume you know what we want to ask you.

Ikora: I do.

Osiris: Tell us about that Wizard. 

Ikora: I can't tell you much, I know only a little about him. You will have to ask Anabelle about him, she knows of him more. But from what I saw, he is really strange in his behavior.

Osiris: In what way?

Ikora: He is strong, but he avoids conflict as much as he can. He could have easily taken all the Fallen down, but he didn't, instead he ran away with Anabelle. Probably thought that if he were to be distracted they would attack her.

Osiris: Strange indeed. A Hive who values the life of others is a strange Hive. What can you tell me more about him? 

Ikora: He is smart, cunning, he doesn't rely on brute strength but also his mind. I can tell that something is off about him, the feeling around him is strange.

Zavala: Strange? Strange how, in a good way or a ominous way.

Ikora: I can't really tell you. I don't know how to describe it. I can tell you what Anabelle told me on our flight back here. A dream she had, or as she put it, a vision.

Osiris: A dream? It won't tell us anything.

Zavala: Let's hear her out.

Osiris scuffs. He never trusted dreams in full, they aren't fully trustable, but it isn't too bad to hear out what she has to say.

Ikora: She had a dream where she was in a field of flowers and Sordun was in the middle of it, kneeling on the ground facing off into the distance. She said that animals that were around him didn't flee but instead, came to him. They weren't scared of him, they were drawn to him and that is the same feeling she has around him.

Zavala: In what way drawn to him?

Ikora: As far as I could make it out, like a feeling of warmth and safety when around him. A radiating calmness enveloping all those that are around him.

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