Time of uncertainty

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A week had passed since Sordun had been brought by Mara Sov into the Awoken world, Anabelle had to stay back at the Tower. It is still difficult for him to understand this new concept called love. Even though he had read many human tales and learning and consequently studying their behaviors he had noticed an emerging pattern in all those. This thing called love, a force so powerful yet, so unknown to many. Especially to him, it is not that he doesn't believe in it, it is that he doesn't understand it entirely. He had never been shown love, only a certain degree of caring by all the being around him. Even though he had not seen Anabelle and the others he has to admit that it is strange not seeing them, and to some extent he misses them. But now, he needs to focus on mater at hand, he had been brought to this rather beautiful land by the Queen for some studying. The people here clearly are not welcome to him, but they do not defy their Queens orders. 

He is constantly questioned by them, especially Mara, she seems to be really intrigued by him. To her, he isn't just any other Hive, he is a oddity, a new thing that had emerged, something not yet seen, or seen very rarely. And he managed to learn a lot about this place and the Awoken, and the possibility of who, or what created him. Not as much as created him as who wished upon his existence. Mara seemed rather worried about the notion that a being called the Ahamkara granted someone's wish and created him. Ahamkara are a powerful race, being that transcend the fabrics of reality and they were thought off as extinct, the last one being Riven and her kin. But a notion that another one lingers in the universe, somewhere, undiscovered, without knowing it's intentions. And more worryingly the person who could have made that wish and it's consequences.

The Awoken had not been to harsh on him, only questioning and studying him for an hour or two a day, the rest is spent on him doing whatever he wishes. He is allowed this not only because he is not deemed a threat but also because the Queen herself is so interested in him, she gave orders that nobody is to show malice towards Sordun. After each session he goes out into a small garden and looks out into the landscape before him. So different compared to Earth, so magical, so divine. If he were none the wiser he would have though that the world is without flaw and worry, but he knows that this time is the time of uncertainty. A time of worry, fear and simple battle to avoid extinction by this being called the Witness. As much as everyone had seemed to hide the state of the universe from him he was able to connect the dots and piece in a puzzle and figure out that the universe is in grave danger. A being, the Witness, is said to bring about a Final Shape, reshape the universe in it's image, but that image is so wicked, so vile that he must not be allowed to do that. He managed to enter the big flying ball in the cosmos they call the Traveler and is going to use his powers to do the final step in it's grand plan.

Sordun wishes that he could help, he probably can, but simply isn't allowed as there isn't enough trust in him for the time being. With so much at stake there isn't a time for mistakes and worry if he is going to be tempted by the Darkness to join it's side. He wants to help. he will, but he needs to find a way to get inside of that Traveler, someone to help him. Maybe Mara? But he would need to convince her and it would need a lot of it. Maybe, just maybe he could do it himself. He had been training his mind and his powers, he knows their limitations but also their capabilities, many would worry. That is true, but he feel like he needs to do this, that he is made for this. 

He is going to be starting a Hive ritual that should teleport him inside, but he will need to do it in secret, so that nobody notices. He must first find a location. His thoughts are broken by a familiar voice.

Mara: Greeting Sordun.

Sordun: Greeting Queen Mara. How may I help you?

Mara: Just call me Mara. Came in to check how are you doing?

Sordun: Very well Mara, as for how I am doing , perplexed. 

Mara: May I ask why? Is it about that girl Anabelle.

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