Humanities new friend

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Sordun finds himself floating in some kind of water, he slowly rises up from him, underneath this water is a solid surface. He looks around, not a single sight can be seen over the horizon, just a flat plane. He starts walking, calling out if anyone is out there but he gets no answer. He walks for what feels like hours across the water, the emptiness of this place is unnerving. He then hears a Hawks screech and he finds it sitting on a pedestal. It is white, made out of some kind of mist, not a solid from. As he slowly approaches it, it flies away but he runs after it. Out of nowhere the from the water appear boulders, trees and plants, suddenly this flat plane is no longer flat and empty. The bird stops on some kind of platform, made from roots and some gold like metal. He steps on it and the bird just disappears, the platform activates itself, it emits a white aura and it soon consumes him. It feels warm, comforting, he closes his eyes once more, feeling safe in its embrace but then hears whispers, all too familiar, they beckon to him. This causes him to wake up, his hears beating quick. Once he calms down he looks around to see where he is. He is in some sort large room with metal railing and vents and concrete walls. He looks down and see Anabelle resting against his leg, sleeping as he moves to touch her he hears a voice from the shadows.

???: I wouldn't do that if I was you. Let her rest.

Sordun snaps his neck to see who is talking and a human comes from the shadows. 

Sordun: Who are you? And where am I?

Drifter: Names Drifter and you are in the Tower, or as you know it, the Last City.

He is in the Last City, this bring him joy, he is in the heart of humanity. There is so much that he whishes for, but one question dawn on him.

Sordun: How did I get here?

Drifter: Well, ya got turned into rock and was brought here. Have to say, a lot of shit unfolded. It was interesting to watch. 

He does remember that he was turned to rock when he got hit by those strange things, but nothing after that. He was floating in empty space, an empty void. He looks around and notices some damage done to the inside of this place, scorch marks on the ground and twisted and broken metal pipes and platforms. Out of nowhere a strange thing appears floating in the sky, it reminds him of the Ghost he saw the Guardians had. Drifter takes a step back pulling out his gun and aiming at this floating thing. It turns to him and it speaks which shocks both of them.

The Ghost: O' wielder of mine, I have granted you strength to surpass gods, I am your servant, your lifeline, I am your Ghost.

Sordun: What are you? Who are you?

Mezsar: I am Mezsar, your Ghost. You are a Guardian like no other, unique. I was made to help you. I am your companion.

Drifter: You ain't like any Ghost I ever saw. What are you exactly?

The Ghost turns to him and laughs in this echoing voice. 

Mezsar: I am a creation, an abomination, an amalgam of both Light and Dark. I was created as a wish of one being.

Drifter: Who?

Mezsar: I cannot tell you that. You will have to find out about it yourself. Now my Guardian, my sweet Sordun, you are a Warlock by nature, but you are not limited. You can wield wish. Hahahaha.

The Ghost disappears and his laughter caused Anabelle to wake up. She rubs her eyes and looks up at Sordun.

Anabelle: Oh hi Sordun.... Sordun!

She yells out and hugs him tightly, he returns the hug back as gently as he can. She starts to cry and tell him how glad she is that he is alive. Drifter stands there confused, not at the site he is seeing, a ex Guardian happy to see a Hive is alive, but at what that Ghost Mezsar said. He said that he was a creation of a wish, and that someone wanted him to exist. And another thing stood out to him, Warlock by nature but not limited to that. What does he mean by that? Could he be able to switch his class, become a Titan, a Hunter whenever he wishes to. Theirs cute reunion is broken up by the appearance of a taken blight. It activates many alarms, all the guards immediately run and start shooting at the blight but it simply just explodes and a sword floats in the air.

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