Getting to know each other

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Anabelle sits by the campfire that the Hive Wizard had lit. Listening to the soothing sounds of fire crackling and rain falling, she reflects on her current situation. She is no longer a Guardian, but a mere mortal once again, she now knows what Osiris had went through. Skipp was her best friend, the only one that she could rely upon. If only she had not been greedy and declined to go to this mission, she would have still had a friend and a Guardian status. Now she is inside of a abandoned building, huddled against a fire, to not freeze or catch an illness, at the mercy of the one she was sent on to spy on. 

The Hive Wizard that introduced himself as Sordun is now taking care of her. If her past self would have heard form another Guardian that a Hive is taking care of a living creature she would have burst out laughing. But she can't now, because that is the situation she is now in. He went out to collect some food for her. He is powerful, so why didn't he just kill her, what is his intention. She gets up and looks out into the city of Pripyat. Nature has retaken it, this town wasn't abandoned after the Collapse, it was abandoned way before. From what she remembers it was a big catastrophic accident and everyone had to be evacuated. 

She grabs the pieces of her ghost from her bag, looking at them. She gets on the ground and pushes her knees to her chest and starts to sob. She hates herself.

Anabelle: Why did I have to take that stupid mission? Why? I am sorry Skipp, I am sorry for my greed.

Sordun POV

Sordun is walking around the town looking for any kind of thing that a human could eat. He had done an extensive study of them, truly fascinating creatures. They are omnivores but they still have to be careful what they eat. The Guardians are also fascinating things. Why do the Hive have to fight them, why can't they all coexist. All because of the worms, that must be the only way. No people would want to kill just because they can. 

He had heard that Guardians form a very emotional bond with their flying companions that they call Ghosts. This female that he had found must be sad. It wouldn't be a bad idea to find something that could cheer her up. Humans do tend to suffer from long period of sadness, that is one of their unique traits. That is what will make them troublesome to, he hopes in future, work with, but it will also make it exciting. 

He spends maybe a couple of hours searching. Managing to find some wildlife that he had to kill, some flora that he recognized that may be edible and found some kind of miniature model of a human made out of wood inside a box. This must be the dolls that human children would play with, so he thought that could cheer her up.  He heads back to the hideout, he hopes that she is still there.

Anabelle POV

After crying for a good hour she manages to calm her self a little. She knows that there is nothing that can be done, what happened happened. And Skipp never wanted to see her sad. She hears large footsteps behind her, she immediately crawls into a corner and grabs a knife and holds it in front of herself. She then sees the Hive Sordun walk in, he clearly is looking around for her.

Sordun: Human, are you here? Come out, I mean no harm.

She doesn't trust him, why would she. He is a Hive, a ruthless killer, enemy for centuries. But she does kind of feel bad for him, he did save her and his voice does kind of sound sad as he said those words. He clearly is worried. So she decide to crawl out from under the rubble. As he sees her he looks as if he light up.

Sordun: Ahh, hello human. You didn't leave. I brought you some food.

He puts down a corpse of a deer and some berries, all different in color. 

Sordun: I don't know if those berries are poisonous, and I hope you don't mind the animal.

Anabelle doesn't speak, poison, she never had to worry about it. 

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