The Awakening

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They finally managed to reach the Last City and loaded Sorduns petrified body into a storage room inside the Tower under the cover of the night. They had to be really careful when loading him in, to try not to break him into pieces. Zavala oversaw the whole process, all manner of thoughts going through his mind. This is a risky move, but if he is dead, they could just say this is a trophy from a ship or something. Letting a Hive into the City is a dangerous move that could prove fatal. He had to silence the many oppositions that he had, but he wasn't able to silence one. Eris Morn, she was outraged by such a decision. He can understand where she is coming from, but he knew that it had to be done, if the Witness were to get his hands on this Hive it would prove dangerous. 

Eris: I can't believe what you are doing. Do you know how foolish this move is?

Zavala: Eris, this is the final decision, like it or not he is staying here.

Eris: You know how dangerous their kind is, what if he were to wake up? And the city would fall, would you be ready to take all the guilt?

Eris was angry and her words landed hard on his mind. She is right, he is in charge of taking care and making sure that the Last City is safe. She clenches his fists, he knows the danger he put this city in.

Eris: He isn't dead.

Zavala: What do you mean by that?

Eris: He is still alive, I can feel it. What ever has happened to him, didn't kill him. He is now like a moth, ready to burst out of his cocoon.

Zavala: Are you saying that we can force him out of that state?

Eris: No, if we were to intervene I think he would die. We must wait, but I will make sure that he is watched at all times. 

Zavala sees the Ikora, Osiris, Saint-14 and Anabelle walking up the metal stairs. Eris is displeased by these four particularly. 

Anabelle: Hello hag.

Eris ignores Anabelle's comment, she looks at Osiris and Ikora, she expected better judgment from them. She stares daggers into them, but Ikora doesn't seem to budge.

Ikora: I know that you are displeased but we don't care. We did what was right.

Eris: Right?! Do you know in what danger you put this City in? Do you know how stupid your decision was? And you, Osiris, I expected better of you. 

Osiris: Eris, trust me, I don't like him being here as much as you do. But maybe we can find valuable information from him. 

Anabelle: What is your problem Eris? Why do you hate them so much, why not give it a chance?

Eris: Why do I hate them? Do you know what I went through? Do you know how much I suffered thanks to them? You wouldn't know until you were to experience it. Then you would understand where I come from.

Anabelle: I lost some stuff too! Yet I am not driven by hatred, nor fear. I lost my Ghost to the Fallen, but do you see me hating on them. No! I believe that everyone deserves a second chance.

Eris: A second chance for a blood thirsty battle driven Hive can not be granted!

The atmosphere was becoming tense as the two started throwing insults at each other. Two sides conflicting, and all the others could do is look and observe, intervene only if it was needed. They understand both point of views, but Zavala also knows that Anabelle is right. Fallen, Cabal, hell even Crow, they were enemies, but now, now they are their allies. Crow walks in, confused by all the shouting and soon after him Mara Sov walk in. She seems amused by the bickering. The two were so engrossed in the argument that they didn't notice the two walk in. Mara Sov walks past the heated argument and looks out to the statue of Sordun. Shame she wasn't able to see him while he was still 'alive', he seems like such an interesting specimen.

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