The confused trio

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Zavala: What do you mean he is gone!

He was angry about what happened with Sordun and how he got away. Mara reported it to him immediately and to say he was displeased was an understatement. 

Mara: He did some sort of ritual and teleported himself somewhere I don't know where.

Zavala: I thought you were looking out for him.

Mara: Well we were. He wasn't showing any signs that he would do something like this but I guess he was planning that for some time.

Zavala rubs his forehead trying to calm down and think. To have Sordun do something like this he didn't expect. He thought they were allies, that he wouldn't do anything without telling him about it. He lets out a deep sigh, this isn't good for his health, all this stress and worry with the Witness and Traveler and now Sordun. Once this is done he will take a well deserved break.

Zavala: Do you know where he might have went?

Mara: Truth be told, no. He didn't say anything about where he was going. He just said that he had to do it. 

Zavala: Give me at least an idea on where he could have maybe went.

Mara: The only place I can think off is maybe inside the Traveler, in the Pale Heart, but you can't simply go inside. He must have at least had something that he could connect to on the other side.

Zavala's eyes go wide, he immediately rings up Anabelle, she was the only one that spent a lot of time with him. After a moment of ringing she picks up the call.

Anabelle: Yes commander, what can I help you with?

Zavala: Anabelle, did you give Sordun anything when you spent time with him?

Anabelle: Yeah, a couple of things. Why do you ask?

Zavala: What did you give him exactly? Tell me.

Anabelle: What is going on commander? Did something happen?

Zavala: Sordun has gone missing. 

Anabelle: What?! Mara said that she will keep an eye on him!

Zavala: Tell me what you gave him.

Her voice trembles, on the verge of crying. He knows that he does kind of sound harsh right now but he needs to know.

Anabelle: W-well I gave him a toy of the Traveler, a music player, a tablet and a picture of Cayde. That is all.

Could it be that. A picture of Cayde. But Cayde is dead, after Uldren Sov killed him. So which one of those things he could have connected to. What does Sordun know that they don't? The toy he doesn't have use for since he can see the Traveler, and other stuff also, that use does he have out of a music player and a tablet. The only thing is the picture, but how. Unless, Cayde is somehow alive. But that would be impossible and foolish to think of. Though, they don't know what happens inside the Traveler, maybe Cayde is alive somehow. But if he is, how would Sordun know. 

Zavala: That is all Anabelle.

He ends the call and looks out of the window from his office out into the city. If Cayde is alive, that would be great news, many would be happy. But they won't know unless they go inside of it.

Zavala: Mara, can you get us inside of the Traveler?

Mara: I believe that I will be able to get us inside.

Zavala: Good, because we are going inside of it. 



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