An Impossible reunion

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Once the trio finally made it to Cayde's camp they sit down in a circle. A awkward silence fills the air, nobody is talking, mostly because nobody knows what to say. A century old foe, a soul thought of as lost forever and the one that put a bullet into that soul. They examine each other, looking up and down, Mezsar flying around and Glint cowering inside of Crow's backpack. Cayde is paying more attention to Crow, or formally known as Uldren Sov, brother of Mara Sov and more importantly his killer. Cayde puts his hand on his lap and leans forward and speaks in an attempt to break the silence.

Cayde: So, you became a Guardian Crow. When did that happen?

Crow: Some time had passed when the Guardians put a bullet in me but I found myself in a unknown location, not knowing who I was really. I later learned on who I was and all I have to say is, I am sorry for what my past self had done.

Cayde: Listen kid, I know that it ain't you who put me down. Well it is but it isn't, you know what I am trying to say. I gotta see what kind of person you are now.

Crow: I can assure you that I am changed in more than one way. I am not like the person I was before. 

Cayde: I trust you. My gut tells me that you ain't bad but still will have to see. 

Crow: May I ask one thing?

Cayde: Yea?

Crow: How are you, alive?

Cayde: Honestly, I don't know. After I died I spent some time floating in space, but it was really comforting and nice, if I could, I would go back to it. I guess things are different from inside here and out there. 

Glint appears from Crow's backpack, ignoring Mezsar who is just staring at him, intrigued by Cayde's words.

Glint: What do you mean floating in space?

Cayde: Like floating in white space. I can only assume that that was the Travelers light, it felt nice as I said. Like a good sleep and damn well deserved rest for me.

Crow: I wonder how Ikora and Zavala will react when they see you?

Cayde: Those two are still kicking. Tell me what has been going on.

As Crow start to tell him all about the things that happened after his death, at least what he knows, Sordun feels ignored. But he isn't sad, he is glad that they are talking. He turns around to look at the tower that the Witness had created. A stark reminder that the universe is in danger, every single living organism, no mater how big or small, ugly or beautiful, faces extinction if they don't stop the Witness. But it also reminds him of his purpose, his destiny. The reason he was changed. He looks up at Mezsar who is also looking out.

Mezsar: It is ugly, isn't it.

Sordun: What do you mean by that?

Mezsar: Such an ugly structure, my creator wouldn't approve of it. 

Sordun: You are bothered by that, and not by the possibility of it ending our universe.

Mezsar lets out a chuckle as if amused by his worries.

Mezsar: For what reason should I be bothered? He isn't going to win, trust me.

Sordun: What do you mean by t..

They are interrupted by Cayde.

Cayde: Oi, you Hive, Sordun was it?

Sordun turns around to see them both staring at him.

Sordun: Yes.

Cayde: Stop staring out at that thing and come join us. We gotta learn more about each other anyway.

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