Absumptus lapis

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Sordun had come across a large building while exploring, trying to find a place where he can reside for the time being. It is a large building, with large pillars at the entrance. Time had taken a toll but it was still a beautiful structure. He does recognize it as a thing humans called a theater, it was very important in their culture. It is where the humans would gather and enrich themselves culturally, watch plays, listen to music and watch their young ones act. While the ceiling was tall for human standards it was still to short for him so he had to walk around scrunched down while he made his way to the large center room. Once he did enter the large room he saw many seats, where hundreds would sit and watch, but now they lay there abandoned, rotting away, a remnant of once ancient tradition. On the stage there was a table, with a device that looks like a weird flower, a gramophone humans call it. Next to it lay a couple of thin black discs, he doesn't know what they are used for but he can connect the dots and he picks up one of the discs and places it on the gramophone carefully. His large stature makes it difficult but still he manages to place it onto the device. He manages to turn it on and the disc starts to spin, he looks at the needle that sits on top. He places it on the disc and music starts to emit from the device.

Many intricate sounds play, many instruments are heard, they all sound beautiful, like a solemn yet peaceful and calming tune that warms ones soul. He sits down on the worn out floor of the stage and listens to the music, admiring the complexity, closing his eyes and fixating more on the sound. Such a complex piece, nobody in his kin would appreciate such a masterpiece. He gets up, his eyes still closed and begins to move to the symphony. His body resonating with it, moving with the flow of the melody. Even if the theater is empty he feels like a thousand souls are watching him, he feels that he is surrounded, but not the bad kind, but the good kind. He dances for a hour feeling as if time stood still, only him and music exist. The music stops, he picks up another, this one has a box on it, it has some words etched into it but he can't decipher them so he puts the new disc on and once more, the empty room is made alive with music. He seems a couple of books laying on one of the chairs, they seem quite well preserved, he opens them, barely the size of his palm. Notes, these are the scriptures that dictate how this music must be played, he needs to take them with him. He can't let such art go to waste. 

He is exploring further, he managed to find a another large room, but this one had a collapsed roof and in the middle of it, a large piece of white rock, sparks of lighting emitting from it, sparkling. He wonders what it is, it can't be a simple rock, this one pulsates, has lighting and seems out of place. There seems to be plant life flourishing around it. Curiosity gets the better of him and he walk close to it, nothing seems to be happening. He looks at the flowers, they are pretty, red and orange in color, but they shouldn't be here. Could this rook be giving life, but how, what are it's origins. 

He is startled by whispers behind him, he turns around and a large object floats in the air. It emits a ominous aura, the whispers are inside his head, as if calling him to it's cause. What is it? That is the only thing he can ask himself. It looks almost like a pyramid, but floating and pointing down, it is made out of material he had never seen. He is startled when the pyramid starts to react to, seeming dissipating, as if tearing itself open. He is startled even further when the large white rock begins to pulsate with energy. He is confused and to one extent, frightened, to what are they reacting? Suddenly, both objects shoot a beam of energy into his chest, causing a immense feeling of pain, as if he is himself being torn apart and burned with a fire of a thousand suns. The rock explodes in a flurry of particles and the pyramid object dissipates into thin air. He feels something crawling up his legs. As he looks down he sees himself slowly turning into stone like substance, he tries to move but can't. He reaches out into the air, as he begins to turn to stone, stretching out his hand into the beautiful sky, looking at it one last time he thought. The worlds goes black as he is fully consumed by this power, petrifying him. 

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