One Crow For Sorrow

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Pugsly did it again. He stole my machete. Wednesday and I share a room, well, not anymore though. Not until I used my last attempt of torture on her. Pink glitter in her bed. The itching is like scabies, but the pink is like hot coals being pressed into your eyes. Even I almost shed a tear touching something of that awful color. She moved out of the room shortly after.

"Get up." A dark is thrown alarmingly close to my face. I love it.

"Your aim, it's getting much better Pugsly."I throw the dark into the hall, heading toward's Wednesday's temple. She catches it then throws it at me. I don't catch it. I let it hit me. The pain is nice.

I put on a black dress with a white fold over collar, and black platform shoes. My hair in two dutch braid, both running down the front of my body. My leg tarantula greeted me out the door. "Bye, Aconitum." I named her after a deadly flower. I almost smile at the eight legged creature. My mother and father are very persistent on trying to get both Wednesday and I to kiss them goodbye. Maybe lobotomy would help them get over them.



"I had a vision."





I let a small half smirk creep its way into my face. We both do our own thing. I let two bags of piranhas into the school pool. While Wednesday frees Pugsly from his dark locker.

I'm now being interrogated. The questions should be self-explanatory. I did it to teach them a lesson. The only ones who can torture my brother is Wednesday and I.

They want to send me to a school, Nevermore. I begin tomorrow. I'd rather Wednesday throw darts in my eyes. Apparently my parents, who I am not speaking to at the moment, went there. "You'll love it here, my little ghoul." My mother says hoping I will feel the same way she did when she went here.

"Wednesday, please tell mother and father I still am not on speaking terms with them." She scoffs as we pull into the school. Pugsly looks upset. "I will not miss any of you." They nod. "Wednesday. Torture Pugsly for me. And Pugsly without me, you'll make it two weeks. Tops. Wednesday is not a good mentor." He nods and mother forces the boys back into the car.

"You will be expecting you powers soon." Wednesday now retreats. Well played sister. "Visions or pyrokinesis." I say nothing. "It could be both." She puts a hand on my shoulder. My usual tenseness turns rigid. I still do nothing, but glare. "I will not be able to contact you while you are getting settled in." She removes her hand from my shoulder. Finally. I return to my natural state. "Good luck, Thursday."

I leave her alone in the entry way of the school. A happy looking lady comes up to me. She motions for my parents to follow. I thought I had finally gotten rid of them. We follow her to her office.

"I am not attending therapy." The lady rolls her eyes. "It's like torture. Not the good kind." Her lips form a tight line and she nods.

My dorm is the next stop on the list. The same one my mother was in with Weems. "It is in Ophelia Hall."

"Refresh my memory. Ophelia is the one theo kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?" No one responds. I know I'm right.

The door is opened to my room. It's horrendous. My mother gasps. "It's so vivid."

The girl skips over to me. "Howdy roomie!"

"Thursday, this is Enid Sinclair."

"How horrible to meet you."

One Crow For Sorrow| Tyler x Reader ~Read Caption~ Where stories live. Discover now