Three For a Wedding

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The next day I am forced to speak with the sheriff. He tells me about the lack of any evidence.

"How could you not see the body?"

"There wasn't one. No blood, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada. My search party looked all night." We're still walking.

"Did your search party forget to bring their seeing dogs?" We go to her office. "I watched it make Rowan bleed out right in front of me."


"And, it didn't stay for a chat."

For odd reason, they just don't believe me. The sheriff and I buy ourselves sometime to chat, alone.

"I told you. I heard a noise. I want to investigate. Then I watched a monster blow out his organs. Any question?"

"How do you know? Nothing was there."

"It's hard to forget a scene like that. Must be a cover-up." Little does he know I won't forget the scene due to the impressiveness of its nature. "Sheriff, we both know that there is a monster out there and we both know that Rowan is its latest victim."

"Sheriff, you're going to want to see this." A cop open the door, Rowan walks in. Who is covering this murder up, they're doing a very good job.

After my talk, that absolutely nothing, with the sheriff I'm going to my next therapy session. I refrain thought of murder, until she brings up Rowan.

"Tell me why you made up a story of one of your classmates getting killed, was it for attention?"

"Why should I bother telling you anything? You've already decided that I'm lying. I know what I saw."

There's more talking. She takes my not leaving as a win. I take it as I have more pressing things on my mind rather than escaping. As I leave I see Tyler walking to the building. "You see her too?"

"Legally I have to be."

"Me too, court ordered."

"Look at us a couple of teenage tearaways." He chuckles.

He turns around then faces me again. "For the record I believe you." We then part ways.

I get back to the school and go outside near the lake. Enid is instructing the people making the cat canoe to make it more fierce. No cat can look scary it's literally impossible. It's why my pet is a spider. If it makes kids cry, I like it.

"What is this insipid thing?"

"It's for the Poe Cup."

"The what?"

"Everyone chooses a short story from Edgar Allen Poe and makes a canoe." Enid looks behind me. "We'll be going up against Bianca." Her voice is filled with spite.


I have always disliked it when people say write what you know. But when your life turns into a murder mystery the imagination can run wild. Viper will have some fun solving this one.

Weems wants me to find an activity to do at this school. The first place I go is the choir. "What are you doing here?"

"Weems wants me to pick an after school program.".

"Can you even sing?" The question is more snarky rather than genuine. I open my mouth and allow a high pitched sound to come out. The kids glasses in front of us cracks. "What was that?"

"A sound only dogs can hear."

I then go check out archery. Xavier is shooting arrows and is very far off from the bullseye. "Have you ever shot an arrow before?"

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