Five For Silver

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Thing came in through the air vent, he then blocked out the security camera. He crossed to the other side of the room and up the wall. He then lets me in. When the metal tracks upward, I walked to the cold, dark morgue.

"While autopsy, you find the files of the monsters other victims, and make copies." go to where they store the bodies. I open one. "Nope." I go to another, "no." I finally find him. "There you are."

I pull them out and take out tape recorder.

Thursday, seven twenty-three p.m. The body is that of a fifty year old male.

I look over the body as I speak. I then pull the covering back, and inspect the rest of him.

Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack. Subject had been almost entirely disemboweled. This is curious. Subjects's left foot is missing. It appears to have been chewed at the ankle.

Thing crawls into the room. He informs me that somebody is coming. I hide in one of the containers. Thing goes into the top of the skull of the skeleton that is on the other side of the room. I can assume that the doctor is the one who came back. I can hear muffled talking, and I can't even make out the words that are being said. Or to whom the voices belong to. When they get closer I know what one of them belong to the sheriff. The other has to be the doctor. Though, I have never heard it before.

I hear a door close, and footsteps getting closer to me. One left and one stayed. I can feel myself being rolled out. I left the door partially open.

"I don't remember this one coming in." He pokes my face and ai almost slap him. "Full rigor. You've been dead a while." I almost smile at that. "I guess you won't mind if I wait another day to cut you open." He rolls me back in and closes the door. When the doctor is gone thing goes to let me out.

"Five more minutes. I was just getting comfortable."

I set up my murder board when I get back. It is a delightful decoration.

"Woah. When I told you to do some remodeling. I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind."

I turn to look at her, "Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection."

"Is this why you were out last night?"

"Thing and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue. To copy the files of the monster's victims." She looks grossed out. I don't see why.

"Thursday, don't think you're taking too far?"

"It will be too far when I'm dead."

I explain to her that everyone of the victims has a body part surgically removed, each time different. When I tell her what was removed and how the murders aren't mindless, meaning they keep parts of the victims as a trophy, she faints. I personally find this to be quite impressive.

While in Ms. Thornhill's class, Xavier leans down to put the book in his bag. He has scratches on his neck. Those did not get there from fencing. They're deep. I get to leave when he comes back up. the dance for some reason on my mind

I go to the woods and watch Xavier leave the house? in the woods. I entered and see many drawings of the monster. I take two of them. They are so vivid. Features on point, in fact they're so on point that he was even able to find where the monster resides.

I bump into Xavier as I leave. I play it cool. I think he is the monster. When I asked him about what's inside, he gets defensive. He won't let me in. I can't get what I need. I have to do the unimaginable.

"Are you really gonna make me ask?"

"Oh, absolutely."

I sigh. I can't do this. But I will try. "Would you..." I stop. How do I do this? "Would... Would you possible consider going to the Rave'N with a certain..." I stop again. This is the worst kind of torture. Xavier nods. "Would.. would you go to the dance with me?" I never want to do that again.

"Yes." He chuckles in his answer. "Thursday, I would love to go to the dance with you. Thought you'd never ask."

I turn away and reply to him. "Neither did I." I walk away

I tell Enid about the horrid news, and she makes a huge production out of it. She wants to take me to get a dress.

She brings me to a store. A colorful store.

I make her go in without me. I continue to walk on with Thing. I have more pressing issues to worry about. A black dress catches my eye. Still I walk by it. As I go to walk I spot my therapist walk out of the store. "Do I need to answer your questions out in the wild?" She shakes her head no. So I continue to move.

I go down to the sheriffs office. I show him the pictures I stole from Xavier "art studio". He seems to be uninterested. I know it's a facade. He wants to know more. I explained to him that I can be his eyes and ears from the inside when he asks what I have to offer.

As I leave I run into Tyler. If I had to go to the dance with anyone, voluntarily, it would be him. Why am I thinking that? I do tolerate him though. That could be why.

I knock those thoughts out of my head. I go to the hive, where I needed to move my board. Enid kept passing out. I realize I will need to cancel on Xavier to go to the cave that monster resides in. Eugene and I go in during the day to get an idea of what we're dealing with. Human and animal bones are found. We decide that we will go back at night.

I go back to the art studio once Eugene and I depart. I go because I need a DNA sample. Xavier comes in while I'm still in there. There's a small dispute. He's no longer my date. He claims that the monsters in his dream so he draws it. The drawings are too exact, I don't believe what he says.

I go back down to the sheriffs station and I give him the DNA. I need them to go get it tested.

When I see Eugene, he says that Enid will not be his date to the Rave'N. I bring his (my) hopes up by telling him that he and I will go back to the cave tonight while the dance is in progress.

I hear, knocking on my door and scramble to get my flashlight. "Hold on Eugene!" I open the door into my slight disappointment. I see Tyler standing there. "Oh. It's you."

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