Nine For a Kiss

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The mayor was killed last night in the hospital. No one knows who killed him, but his life support was unplugged. I'm now at the funeral, standing across from Tyler. I don't know what his dad told him when he got back, but he's acting weird. I want to go ask him what his deal is, but before I have the chance to approach him I see a figure running into the woods. What if it's the monster?

I yell at it and tell it to come back. When I catch up to it I see his face and realize that it is my uncle Fester. "Uncle Fester!" Thing jumps onto him extremely happy.

"Hey there Thursday, as sharp as I remember. Just as always. And Thing! What have you been up to?"

"Actually.. I've been trying to hunt down this monster." I take the picture of it out of my pocket. "Do you know what this is?"

He takes the picture from me and inspects  the picture. "Actually I do. It's called a Hyde. It's a monster that is born a human. The curse needs to be unlocked. He gives me all of the information that on the Hyde. The Hyde needs a master. Someone who controls it and tells it what to do. Why does no book hold any of this information? He also hands me a book he stole while he was in town. I put in my bag.

I bring him to the hive, Eugene still out in the hospital. I have visited him a few times, not much progress. Meaning, no one will find my uncle in here. "This place belongs to a friend of mine."

"You have friends?"

"Apparently so, and these bees are like his children." He takes a bee out of one of the hives and goes to eat it. "That means do not eat them."

"But my snack.."

"I will break both of your hands." He puts the bed back into the hive and nods.

I go back to Nevermore and put the book on my desk. I read some of it and notice that it is a diary. Who would own a diary about a Hyde?

I go out, because I need to see Dr. Kinbott. When I walk up to her office I see Xavier leaving  it. I decide not to go to my session with her, I can't tell her my inner thoughts. She knows too much. I suspect that she is the master and that Xavier is the Hyde.

Instead, I go to the Weathervane and meet up with Tyler. "Hey, creepy." I look at him. "I want a redo on our date." I look at him confused. "Will you do on a date with me?"

"I have more pressing issues to deal with."




I sigh knowing that he will not give up. "Fine."

He and I walk around together after he gets off for his break. We talk, I actually laugh, and we end up back at the Weathervane. We go inside and he takes a few steps closer to me. He continues to do so until there's no more room.

"Thursday?" I put a finger to his mouth and tell him to shush. "What?"

"I have to go. I'll see you later."

I go back to Nevermore, having a bad feeling in my stomach. I enter my dorm and see that everything is in a state of disarray. The diary is stolen and Thing is.. Thing.

He's stuck on a wall. A knife in his palm. I remove the knife slowly trying not to agitate the area more than it already has been.

I wrap him up in a cloth and take him to the hive. "Uncle Fester! Uncle Fester help! Thing he's.. he's."

"Okay, okay, kid, don't worry. Oh poor Thing." He chuckles slightly at that sentence. "I'll save him.. and clear!" He shocks him once and nothing happens. I level myself with him on the table. He gets shocked two more times. "Kid I don't know if I can.."

"Save him. If you don't I will hurt you." He nods and shocks him one more time. When nothing happens I feel my eyes begin to water. "One more." At the last one thing twitches. I sigh and smile slightly.

Uncle Fester takes care of Thing as I do more research on Laurel Gates. As I do that I fill Enid in on the Hyde. Ajax being in the room too. I ignore that, I don't want another vampire situation.

Ajax finally leaves, and I find that Laurel is alive. She faked her own death. The more digging that I do I find that she is the master of the Hyde. I tell Enid, she is in just as much shock as I am. I tell her that I heard a scream from Kinbott's office, and a low growl. She was my first suspect as the master. The Hyde killed her, meaning that she is off the table. No one else seems to be a better candidate than Laurel. I just need to find out who she is.

I go to the Weathervane before it closes to see Tyler.  I explained to them that Laurel is still alive and is the master of the Hyde. I told him the reason I left is because I heard a scream and a low growl coming from Kinbott's office. I tell him everything that I told Enid. I begin to ramble on because I don't know how to stop talking about how crazy all of this. To shut me up he kisses me.

Once he does I have a vision. I see him and Xavier fighting about the Hyde. Farther into the vision I see that Xavier is the Hyde and is the one that killed Dr. Kinbott. I gasp and look at Tyler. "Xavier is the.."

"I know."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"He'd kill both of us if I did."

"I need to get back the school." Tyler nods and drives me back to Nevermore. He kisses me on the cheek before I get out of the car. "I never agreed to the first one." I slam the door and run inside. It's been a long.. however long. I need sleep. I'll deal with all of this in the morning. But first I need to tell Enid.

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