Four For a Birth

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I walk into a hallway. I see my mother staring at me. I see a secret library and a secret society. I was hoping for a torture chamber. The people from the society tied my hands together then places me in a chair.

I will refuse to tell them I freed myself almost immediately. There a bunch of people in hoods, I'm hoping that there will be something evil going on. At least I was until they took off their hoods and I see that they are my fellow classmates. My hope is crushed. Bianca is the first one I see.

"Wait. I prefer you with it on." She scoffs at my comment. Xavier stifles a laugh.

"What do you want."

"I have a picture and I want to know what it means." Xavier walks up to me. "Left pocket." He takes out the pictures and has no reaction. He's seen it before. "It has the mark of one of the books down here. I want to know what it means."

"We booted that loser last semester." Bianca doesn't care about the picture. "You shouldn't even be in here. Nightshades only."

"Oh come on she's a legacy." Xavier comes to my defense. I wish he'd stop that. 

"I'll save you guys an argument I do not wish to be a part of your little club."

"How didn't solve the riddle."

"There's a riddle?"

"It was easy."

Bianca scoffs and points to Xavier. "Untie her."

"I freed myself five minutes ago." She rolls her eyes. Someone gets in my way. He has a black eye. "Do you want a matching black eye?" He moves out of the way and I leave. Thing stole the book I need. They won't even realize that it's gone.

I open the book when I enter my dorm. Why am I sharing Nevermore's demise with a Pilgrim?

Weems claps as she hands out where we will be volunteering. I need to go to Pilgrim World. Enid gets it, I get a place for off trinkets. I would like to go if I did not have another mission on hand. Enid and I switch places after I tell her that her beloved Ajax will be there. And Weems wants me to play my cello for outreach day. I'd rather not.

When I enter Pilgrim World some lady is holding out a tray of uniforms. "I am not putting that on." She glares at me. "And I am not selling fudge." She does not appreciate the attitude that I seem to have. Or my overwhelming ability to say no.

Her plans to have me do what she wants are inevitably thwarted. I speak in German while selling her building block. No one wants any. They all leave. I take that as my cue to leave too.

One my way I see Eugene being bullied by the three boys a beat up. "Howdy Pilgrims." They all look at me like they could actually take me on. "Remember the last time we had this dance?"

"Get her!" He charges. I grab his arm. It breaks. I should've done that last time.

"Are you two still here?" I look at the two boys. They're scared. They should be.

Once they retreat I clean Eugene's bib off. We then go to the Crackstone family chamber pot. Where, the book I need is a fake.

"It's a fake." The who distributed our uniforms informs me.

"So I see."

"The original was stolen at our last witch hanging."

"I'll make sure who ever stole it hangs like the witch." She steps back then escorts me back to the group. Eugene and I are sentenced to fudge churning.  I go to the Wearhervane. Leaving Eugene behind.

Xavier is there. I don't wish to speak to him. "Why're you here?"


"I told you he was bad news."

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