Thirteen Beware of the Devil Himself 🌶️

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I buck my hips up so he knows that he can enter me. He chuckles dryly and the action. "You want this, huh?" For a split second I debate wanting it after he just said that.

Still knowing he said that so I can consent, I nod and he takes a condom off of his nightstand and slides it onto his dick. He looks at y face for any trace of regret or unwillingness. When he's unable to find any he positions himself and teases me.

I move my hips in a circle, his hands still placed there. Feeling the rotations as I squirm. I feel like someone who just got shot in the head. I smirk at the thought. When I smirk he thrusts into me and I moan.

I have never made that sound before.

He looks down at me smiling as he thrusts in and out of me. One hand is holding my wrists above my head, the other still on my hip making its way up. I arch my back as he trails his hand upward.

I he thrusts faster and harder as I moan his name. Well aware his father is most likely downstairs. I get close to this feeling I have never felt before. I can tell Tyler is too.

When we both finish, he gets up and hands me the sweatshirt. I zip it up half way and lay on the bed. Legs weak from the stimulation.

He puts on his boxers and lays down next me. "What was that?" He looks at me confused. "The feeling before it ended. Happiness? Joy?"

"Euphoria." He cuts me off before I can add any more words onto my list. I like euphoria the most out of the other two options. I nod and pull the covers over me as I'm laying directly on my back. "You sleep like a dead person."

"I have been told that before, I usually just say thank you." Tyler laughs slightly as he lays down too. Resting on his side, rather than on his back.

"My dad probably heard us."

"My dad would have slid a one under the door." He looks at me slights wide eyed. "He once told me if he hears or sees anything he never had before he'd throw a dollar at it." Tyler nods and looks weirded out by my words. I personally think it's the most normal thing my father had ever done or said in his life.

Tyler noticed my dead serious expression, as he thinks I'm joking. "Meeting your parents will be fun."

"We're not there." He nods and I close my eyes letting him know I'm done with this conversation.

I'm just dreading the morning. Seeing his dad, facing Thing. I feel no different, they'll just see me as different. Especially Thing.

The next morning I hear the sheriff downstairs talking in the phone about how Xavier was put into custody last night. Tyler is already downstairs with Thing. I'm the last one down the stairs. Figures.

"Morning." Tyler looks at me and smiles. "Nice outfit." I look down at the sweatshirt that's zipped up a little more and shorts or well, his boxers. I don't remember putting those on. He notices my confusion then says, "You're welcome."

I roll my eyes at him and sit down at the table. I lean over to whisper in his ear, "Did he hear us?"

He just shrugs. "Didn't bring it up." That should be a good thing, right? "Doesn't mean he didn't hear, probably just means that he doesn't want to bring it up."

I nod again at him and purse my lips together. This is either good or bad and there is no in between.

I sit for a while longer as Tyler makes me a black coffee and Thing is just tapping his fingers. What for? I don't know, he just does that sometimes.

When Tyler sits across from me handing me the coffee he stretches over the table and pulls the sleeve off my shoulder. "You bled through the gauze." I look down to realize he is right.

"So what?" I ask not really caring about the injury from last night at this exact moment.

"Shouldn't we clean it? Get a new bandage?" I slump back in defeat knowing that he won't give up until he's helped me.

He walks out of the room and gathers the supplies he needs. He cleans and bandages it, I watch him as he does his work. He bandages and wraps gauze around it again. I wince slightly and his dad from the other rooms mumbles no under his breath. He definitely heard us. Tyler and I can both tell.

Later in the day Tyler escorts me back to Nevermore. Exchanging his boxers for sweatpants and wearing garments underneath my clothes. He helps me pack, as Enid's side is already in a bunch of boxes.

The room would look half presentable now if Enid didn't use pink tape for her boxes. I scoff at the sight of it. Tyler drags my trundle over and begins to put stuff into it. I back my suitcase.

Something that should have only took an hour took five because a few distractions. Distractions no one will ever need to know about.

When we finish, Tyler pulls a box out of his pocket. It's a phone. "To keep in touch from wherever you come from. I already set it up for you. Both Enid's my number is in there. My dad made a joke saying to put his in, in case any monsters show up over the summer. I put it in. It seemed to be more reasonable able rather than being a joke." I look at the box then into Tyler's eyes. I open it and tap the screen. It says to make a password. I make the password all six's.

Tyler and I walk downstairs, where my family is waiting for me. "Hello, Thursday. Who is this fine young man?"

I guess it's not too early for this. "This is Tyler." Tyler shakes my father's hand and my mom makes him kiss her wedding ring.

"When I touched the doorknob to your room I saw despicable things in my vision." Tyler blushes as Wednesday speaks. "I hate my life."

"What did you see?" My father questions her.

"No comment." I nod agreeing with Wednesday and so does Tyler.

"You never said there were two of you."

"You never asked."

With that I get into the car and drive away. I text pops up on my phone from Tyler as I go. "Goodbye, for now."

The End?

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