Eight For a Wish

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As my family as finally left the school I decide that I do need help to conjure my visions. As my mother informed me that I am known as a raven. I have dark visions that hard to see and show the horrors that take place in the earth. She on the other hand is a dove, she sees the better things and tend to have happier visions. Thank, God I'm not a dove.

For help, since I will not go to my mother, I sill try to conjure my ancestor Goody Addams. I light candles and have her name in the middle of the circle. No I do not make this a habit. I hate the living, why would I want to communicate with the dead?

When I finish chanting the door swings open. She is a stubborn one, then upon further investigation I realize that it is just Enid. She tells me that maybe I will get a clue in some old crypt. So, being gullible I follow her right into my birthday party. When I hear the word "surprise!" I look down to see Thing. I knew he had something to do with this.

"Do remember what I had said? No parties. If there is one, the penalty is death." He slowly creeps away from me. I look at the cake then at all of them.

"We chose all dark because of your preferred color palette."

"The pink balloon was my little touch!" Enid adds. She looks at me expectedly. "Well, make a wish." I turn my head snd see words carved in the wall.

"Wait. It's latin. When I rise you all will burn." What does that mean?

"I'm not sure that's a wish."

"It's a promise, Enid." I say as I exit.

"Are we going to eat the cake?" I don't care what they do with it. I just don't want it near me.

I go to trace the words that are etching into the wall. When I touch it I have a vision. These are getting in my nerves. I see Goody Addams and she speaks. To me. She tells me what I already know, that I am a raven and my visions will be dark. But she also states that they will lead me to not trust people and so I will destined to live alone. That does not scare me. She says that it should. She tells me that I will not be able to seek help from someone, but I will need to control them. Like they are a raging river and I have come to terms with the rapids. And tells me that the old Garret house is the source of everything I need.

I head to the Weathervane after my vision. "Enid threw me a party."

"I know." I look at him. "I made the cake. All dark because of your.."

"Preferred color palette, I know." He nods at me as I sit at the bar. "I had a vision. Goody talked to me."

"Your dead ancestor?"

I nod. "Yes. She told me that my visions are like a raging river, and I need to come to terms with the rapids."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah. And she said the old Garret house is where I should go for answers." He rolls his eyes, as we both know that it was the most vital part of information.

When I leave the Weathervane, knowing I should go back to school I see Mayor Walker get run over by a car. As I always predicted if I saw someone get hit by the car, I have no reaction. But deep down, I know that the outcasts have no one to stand up for us.

To avoid trouble I walk back to the school. Weems informs us all about happened to the Mayor. She shits down the school and gives us all a curfew. I for one, am not allowed to leave the school at all. Weems forbids it.

Knowing that I need to leave to see the old Garrets' house, I put together a plan. I told Thing to slip a note into the tip jar at the Weathervane. Telling Tyler to meet me here tonight for a date. Then I told Enid that we would be having a girls night.

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