Twelve For Health 🌶️

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That night I go to Tyler's house. He lends me a zip up sweatshirt and sweatpants, both are black. I sit in the same chair Tyler was sitting on when Xavier scratched him in Hyde form.

He unzips the sweatshirt slightly revealing hold on my shoulder. The top of my black bra and bra strap are both exposed. Tyler drowns a soft white rag in water and dabs it onto my wound. He watches my face as he does this.

When he applies more pressure I moan in pain. "I'm so sorry," his face is slightly red but the apology is genuine. "The area is just really tender because of the trauma that was indicted on it."

"What about the trauma inflicted on me?" He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Yeah you got me, I enjoyed every second of when I killed Crackstone."

Tyler nods as he continues to clean the cut. When his dad comes in he doesn't even react. Neither does Tyler. My first react is to pull the sleeve back over my shoulder, but the pain is too intense to do that. I felt none of this when the adrenaline was pumping through my veins. "You need gauze?" Those are the only three words his dad says to him as he cleans the cut.

"Yeah, can you go get some?" Sheriff Gaplin exits the room and Tyler holds the rag there, so no blood drips ruining all of his progress. He looks into my eyes. I stare past his. I hugged one person today and I feel myself gaining a humanity the longer I'm with this kid. I hate it.

When his dad comes back with the gauze, Tyler wraps it around my shoulder. His dad gives him scissors so he can cut off the excess, his dad is the one to apply the medical. As it turns out Tyler uses too much of it and cannot be trusted by his father.

When they believe it looks okay Tyler takes the sleeve and pulls it back up, zipping the sweatshirt back up too. "So you want to do back to that school?" He asks me a tone of concern lacing his voice.

"No. I never wanted to enroll there in the first place." He nods, remembering how and why he and I became so close.

"Yeah, I get it." He motions for me to follow him. He and I go to his room. I want to embarrass him and say that this is moving too fast. But what's moving too fast? I see Thing already on his bed, he jumps onto me when he sees me.

"I'm not hugging you back." I say as I pry the hand off of me. The more so think about it, I don't want to be here either. But compared to that hellhole this is so much better. He sets up a few blankets and pillows on his bed.

"You can take the bed," he motions to be the bed. "I'll sleep on the floor."

"No." He raises an eyebrow. "We can take the bed." He smiles at me. How do I tell him I meant Thing? He sleeps on my pillow like a small snake. Or my spider.

I'n not opposed to this idea entirely, though. I find one of Tyler's shirt and make comfortable spot for Thing in his desk. I nod when I'm happy with my work. I then walk over to Tyler's bed and sit on it.

Tyler sits on the side of the bed and hold the hem of his shirt. "Do you mind if I.." I shake my head saying no not at all. He pulls off his shirt and his abs catch my attention, yet again. He notices me staring and turns his resting face into a shit eating grin. "Take a picture it might last longer."

"I'll tape it to my dart board." He makes his like into a tight line. "I always get a bulls-eye."



"Listen okay, I'm getting mixed signals from you. You kissed me back, you let me hug you, but then give those snarky comments. I don't know what to think."

I look at my hands, my fingers fiddling with each other. "Because I don't know what to feel." I look up at him. "Do I like you? Good fucking question."

"Want to test out if you do you not?" I look at him confused. "Last time we kissed you had a vision. Took away the emotion."

"What emotion?"

"Those comments." I nod realizing what he's talking about. I enjoy that part of myself. I'm not changing for him. I'd rather hang him than change. He leans closer to me, I don't lean back. He grabs the two hair ties in my hair. He slides them off and unbraids my hair. I don't know why but I let it happen, he comes even closer to me and closes the gap.

When his lips touch mine I gasp slightly and close my eyes. Realizing no vision will be coming with this kiss I deepen it and run my fingers through Tyler's hair.

Lust is one of the seven deadliest sins. Now that I can feel it, I want to feel it in its full. He lets the palm of his hand rest on the back of my head and grabs a fistful of hair. He leans my head back allowing him to deepen the kiss.

I hear Thing slide under the bed. I wouldn't blame him. I feel like my mom. I push that idea out of my head right as I think it.

We pull apart to catch our breath. He looks at me with pleading eyes. I nod knowing exactly what he wants. He unzips the sweatshirt and slides it down my shoulders and off of my body. When it's completely off he stares at me. "Holy shit." He blinks twice. "You're fucking stunning."

"I know." I help him out of his shirt, feeling like I have permission to stare under these circumstances.

"My eyes are here."

"Yeah, but what I want to look at is down there."

He smirks and flips us so he's on top. I unzip his fly, and unbutton his pants as I lower his lips to mine. Sometime in between kissing all of our clothes are off and on the floor. Tyler's hands are placed on my hips as he admires my body.

Greed is also one of the seven most deadliest sins.

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