Seven For a Story We're Ne'er To Be Told

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My father killed someone thirty-two years ago. A normie named Garret Gates. He killed him while he was at Nevermore. Right when I thought he would never earn an ounce of my respect. When I found out that this week was parents week I have never been filled with so much dread and hope at the same time.

Enid and I are standing in the quad eying our parents. "Let's just go rip off the bandaid."

"That sensation is nice. This is dreadful. Not the good kind."

"Riightt.." How is she not used to me yet? "Well let's just get it over with then."

"Agreed." She goes to see her parents as I walk over to mine.

"So? How do you like it?" My mother asks me.

"Well, I almost got killed twice, I'm in the middle of a mystery, I am the reason for mass destruction, and I'm in danger in almost every corner I turn. It's delightful." I fail to mention the monster, what the destruction is, Tyler, Eugene, Enid, my visions, and how I'm beginning to feel things.

"Oh, Nevermore, I love you so!" My father praises.

My family and I have to do a family session of the office. This should be interesting. Wednesday set a pin on Dr. Kinbott's chair, the scene actually made me crack a smile.

"So what's it like with Thursday not being in the house anymore?"

"It's delightful. I have no competition." I nod at my sister. I'd feel the same.

"It's been hard." My parents say in unison.

"I never thought that I would miss being waterboarded so much." I look at Pugsly, and my parents give a small nod. Kinbott just stares at the five of us.

I abruptly stand up. "Father, why did you kill Garret Gates thirty-two years ago at Nevermore?"

"Ooh, do tell." Wednesday, as am I, is intrigued.

Mother stands up. "Thursday. This is not the time or place.."

"Actually it is."

"This does not concern you Dr. Kinbott." Kinbott nods wearily and we all leave the session early. "Why would you embarrass us like that?"

"You're the only one that is embarrassed, mother."

No one speaks as we all go back to Nevermore. There's something about my family's arrival that makes any feelings I ever once had dissipate. I sigh as I was just getting used to not feeling only numbness and anger.

We sit down in the quad and talk. I wish that we wouldn't. I wish they would leave. Just as those thoughts enter my mind Sheriff Gaplin comes and arrests my father. Am I a genie? There was a suicide and it just so happens to be the evidence that they need to arrest my father this weekend. It feels like a ploy.

"Thursday. Leave it." My mother's puts her hand on my shoulder. Honestly it feels as if I should be having a vision right now, I just do not know why.



I scoff and watch as my father is dragged out of the quad, not even putting up a fight. I wish I could be someone who could respect that. But I don't. I would rather that he put up a fight rather than let a normie cop take him in custody.

I go to the sheriff's station shortly after. I need to speak to my father. When I am being seated he sits down and Thing places himself on the window, my father's hand placed on top.

"What happened that night?"

He looks up like he is trying to remember what had happened. "It was the night of the Rave'N your mother and I left to catch our breath. Garret Gates then appeared yelling for your mother. He took a liking to her. It drove him mad. When he saw us he had the look of a murderer in his eyes. Cold blooded murder was on his mind. He charged at me, I grabbed a sword. He and I fought. When I pushed to the ground my survival instinct kicked in. I stood up with the sword and stabbed him. He lost his balance and fell. Weems was the one who saw me staring over the body, sword in my hand."

You see, I would believe my father's story if I hadn't been playing Russian Roulette with him since I was twelve. The comforting wink and the way that he strokes his mustache. There is something false about his statement and I will be the one to figure it out.

I go back to the school, and tell my mother that we will need to go grave digging. We go to Garret's grave and I dig six feet until I reach him. I was generous and asked my mother if she wanted to help. She was courteous enough to allow me to have my fun.

When I open the coffin I find a finger that had belonged to him. It pops right off. He died from poisoning before my father even stabbed him. "He was poisoned before the sword just finished the job." My mother sighs a sigh of relief.

I poke the actual finger and when I go it feels like I am touching an active electrical wire. I see everything that my father had told me except for one difference. And a backstory. His father gives Garret a bile of poison to kill all of the outcasts. When he gets to the school and falls into a pillar the bile breaks, poisoning him. When Gates pushes my father mother is the one to pick up the sword and Gates run directly into it. He loses his balance and falls. My father tells her to leave and that she was ever there. He takes the sword and stands over the body. Weems screams then looks up to see him. My mother is the "murderer." But in reality she just saved him from his suffering. He was even foaming at the mouth like a madman. We might've been good friends a while he was in that state.

I go to see the sheriff. People might start to think I like him by how much I am in his office. I show him the finger, I then explain to him that when Garret Gates was stabbed he was already dying. Meaning the sword did inevitably nothing.

I go to see the mayor with my mother. He tells us that Gates was poisoned and that his father hated the outcasts. The death's of the rest of the family was blamed on my father to make them look good. To make the normies look good. Knowing that they in so much despair because they were the cause of their son's death shines so much more light on the situation. Some talking and threatening happens and as you would be able to guess, my father is a free man by the time I am done speaking to the mayor. My mother just so happened to say a few words. I did most of it. She could be considered as emotional support.

As I get sent to where they are holding my father he is already kissing my mother's hand. Saying she is so much prettier as a free woman. I personally believe that she looked better guilty. Preference is preference.

When I get back to the school I confront Weems. She I ask about Rowan. She says that covered up the death by shape shifting into Rowan. I knew I wasn't going crazy. She covered it up to avoid any conflict that would have arisen from the mysterious death. It's so nice to hear that I was right and she was wrong. That everyone who doubts me is wrong.

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