Ten a Bird You Must Not Miss

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I swing the door open and run over to Enid. Thing with stitches on himself is perched on my desk. "Enid."

"Thursday." She copies my same exasperated tone.

"Tyler kissed me and.."


"Yes. Try to keep up. So he kissed me and when he did, I had a vision. Xavier is the Hyde." I finally breathe after holding one in for way longer than needed.

"Holy shit." She lays down on her bed and sighs. "How are you going to convince everyone.

"The sheriff will be easy. Everyone else? They may be an issue." Enid nods.

"How will we get him to admit?"

"I have an idea."

Enid and I go to the Edgar Allen Poe statue. I snap twice and opens. Enid's jaw is dropped all the way to the meeting area. It closes when she sees Ajax.

"You're apart of a secret club and didn't tell me?!"



"Because, you know it's a secret." He has point.

Bianca steps up to talk to me. "Why you both there?"

"I had a a vision I need your help to bring Xavier out into the woods. I think he's the Hyde." They look at me like I'm crazy. "I need your help." They all nod.

I lure Xavier out into the woods. I ask him to help trying to gather information on the Hyde. The Nightshades are in his art studio, I told him to hide so when Xavier goes in there, he will not notice them.

He enters the room and I close the door as I follow suit. I use my snood to tie the two door handles together as the lock does not work.

I kick him out onto a chair and tie his arms to it and tie his legs together. He shakes slightly trying to free himself, but both Bianca and Ajax are holding him down. "If you think that a slight shake will save you then you are extremely wrong." I then turned to the group of people behind me. "Please leave. I do not want you to witness this."

I open up my pack of tools. A hammer is the first one I take out. "Thursday?" Bianca stares at me.

"I said leave." I turn to face her. "Now." She turns to leave, I put tape over Xavier's mouth. The door closes. "I think it's time to test your reflexes." I hit him in this knee. "Are you the Hyde?" His screams are muffled his eyes turn glassy. Still, his head isn't nodding or shaking. I hit him again. "Are you the Hyde?" I put more emphasis on the entire sentence. "Don't make me hit you in the head." He starts shaking his head. He blinks and the tears fall.

I pull the tape off of his mouth, Thing is behind me with a tape recorder. Recording everything he says. "Now." I say signaling for Thing to turn it on. "Are you the Hyde, Xavier Thorpe?"

He looks down at his hand tied together. His knee isn't broken but there will be a bruise for sure. Like I promised myself. Light torture. "Yes. I am." I smirk slightly at the confession.

"So you killed the hiker, Kinbott, hurt Eugene, killed the homeless man, and Rowan?"

"Yes." He smirks slightly at this killings. "Maybe, Thursday, I'm no worse than you."

"No one worse than me." I hear the recorder click off. I leave him there tied up to the chair and go back to Nevermore. I go to where the Nightshades should be, and let them listen to the recording.

"So your vision was right." Bianca stares at the recorder dumbfounded. Why does everyone underestimate me? I nod and she looks around the room. "Who is controlling him?"

"I didn't want to go against what I told myself I'd do." She looks at me confused. I don't give in to her quizzical stare. "Figure out a plan."

I leave the Nightshade's meeting place to visit Eugene. He's getting much better and is off of extended bed rest. Now he just needs to rest. "Hey." He looks at me as I enter the room.

"I remember something from that night. When the cave exploded and then the figure ran out. When I was attacked."

"Weems exploded it to cover the tracks of what is happening."

"No. When the light from the explosion lit up the area I saw that the boots weren't black. They were red." I stare at him.

That means Thornhill exploded the cave. Thornhill is covering the monsters tracks. Thornhill is an alibi to these crimes. Thornhill is the Hyde's master. Thornhill is Laurel Gates.

"Eugene. I have a lot of things that I need to tell you, but I need to you stay here. The monster is the Hyde and Thornhill is Laurel. And Laurel is controlling the monster." I leave the hospital, knowing I need to tell Weems the information I found.

I enter her office slightly out of breath from running all the way here. "I was just at the hospital to see Eugene. He told me about the person he saw when the cane got blown up."


"I previously thought that it was you," she glares at me, "but, upon further infestation and gained knowledge I found that it was Thornhill. She is Laurel Gates and she is the master of the Hyde. The Hyde is Xavier." I press on the recording. "We need to confront her."


"You can shape shift. Shape shift into Xavier and hide as ai confront her." She nods as she follows what I am asking of her.

We go to Thornhill's room and I see that she is fixing her flowers. I also a syringe with something in it. I'm keeping my eye on that. She senses my presence, which isn't hard to do. I'm told it darkens the room. "Thursday! Hi! What can I do for you today?"

"A little birdie told me that you know something about the Hyde." Her smile drops.

"Well Thursday, let's not go throwing crazy accusations."

"My accusations may be crazy, but they're always right. Aren't they Laurel?" She picks the syringe off of her desk.

She takes off her glasses. Her eyes burn with hatred. Crackstone was worse, she would take some lessons from him. " Your kind is disgusting. You're the reason my family is dead, and I will bring back Crackstone, my ancestor. He together he and I will get rid of this school and all of the outcasts inside." She pauses then looks to where Weems is, "Xavier come out here please," Weems steps out of the darkness. "Attack her."

Weems shifts back into herself and Laurel takes a step back. "No such thing will happen." Just as that as being said Laurel swiftly kills Weems and in my moment of shock used the syringe to knock me unconscious.

I awake in a crypt. The body parts of each person killed is there around Joseph Crackstone's coffin.

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