Eleven For Hope

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When Laurel realizes I'm awake she comes up to me. "You know, Thursday, we're alike. Both ambitious and willing to do anything to fulfill our purpose." She grabs me by my wrists and takes one of my hands. She takes out a knife and cuts it open. I wince in pain and look at her. I want her to pay.

She throws me onto the ground making at head start to bleed. When I get up try and stop her and stabs me in the abdomen. The gargoyle would've been a much better death compared to whatever this is.

She twists the dagger then pulls it out. She begins to chant. She's the one that stole the journal. The jars begin to glow blue the more she chants, and the glowing grows brighter. Yellow surrounding the jars that hold each body part.

When she's done, the coffin begins to glow green. Black ash pours out of it, the ash builds on top of itself to create a person. One who I can conclude is Joseph Crackstone. I stand up to not look weak, but his staff glows green and strikes me. My head hits the wall in the same spot I it hit the first time. I watch as the two long lost family members leave. Talk about a reunion.

I feel myself drift in and out of consciousness for a little while. When my eyes open this time Goody is hovering over me. "You're dying." I widen my eyes in annoyance. "I can save you, the necklace that your mother gave you helps to protect you. I can heal you, but if I do you will never be able to see me again." I take the necklace out from under my shirt and hand it to Goody. "Thank you."

She begins to glow and fade into my necklace I feel the pain start to fade as she disappears. The bleeding on my abdomen stops and when I look at my hand the gash vanishes.

I go to the school when I feel okay enough to move. I walk out of the crypt to Nevermore. I see everybody trying to exit the school so they don't get killed. Tyler although he doesn't go there, he is standing outside the door to the school, where everybody is flooding into a crowd.

I go into the school to be faced with chaos. Hoping not be seen by anyone that I know. It is my destiny to save this school. I will do what needs to be done. As I run through the halls I pick up the sword that my mother used to stab Garret Gates. Laurel's brother, the bitch that's trying to destroy the s hill with her four hundred year old (give or take) ancestor.

I enter the quad as Joseph Crackstone emerges from the inside of the building. He cracks his staff in the ground and fire erupts all around us.

I suck in a deep breath as I take in the surreality of the scene surrounding me. The schools demise, which I thought I would be the root of, and the pilgrim I thought that would be taking my thunder. Xavier comes into the quad before I am able to escape. The pilgrim comes closer into my view as Xavier leaves.

"Hello, Pilgrim."

"I was warned that it may be difficult to have you dead." I smirk at the comment. What can I say? I'm relentless.

I take a few steps closer to the old man. He and I get into a sword/staff fight, thinking I'm about to win, he breaks the sword into many pieces. Sad shards of it lying on the ground. He holds up his staff and throws me backwards. I yet again, hit my head and it starts to bleed. Other cuts destined to be found on my body. Coincidentally, I find a bow and arrow on the ground. I go to shoot him, but he's able to stop it before it hits him. He turns it towards me and it strikes me right in the shoulder. I pull the arrow out of me. I don't want to look weak. I throw the arrow onto the ground and glare at the man.

Bianca comes up behind him and stabs him in the back. As he is rendered defenseless and in pain, I come in from the front and stab him the heart. The ash that came out of the coffin to build this disgusting creature drifts away. Leaving there to be nothing here but empty space and fire. And Laurel making her way into the quad with a gun in her hand. "Bringing a gun to a sword fight. Might be the smartest thing you've done, well, ever."

"You're not going to get away that easy." A bee lands on her gun. She stared at it confused, I don't catch on until a few more bees come buzzing her way. Eugene.

More and more come into the quad swarming her as he tries to shoot them. The gun then falls out of her hand. I go up to her and kick it out of her reach.

Eugene comes into the quad his hands motioning in ways that make it seem like he is controlling the bees. "It's the hive life, bitches!"

The bee stings inevitably end up killing her. When the battle is over Eugene, Bianca and I all exit the schools gates with everyone watching us.

"I don't like all of this attention." Eugene says as he leans in a bit so no one else hears him.

"Breathe it in, kid. Might be the last time you feel it." I glare and Bianca for her snarky comment. She did nothing.

"Where's Thursday?!" Enid is frantically searching for me. Tyler is the first to spot me and he runs up to me.

"I thought you died." He pulls me into a hug. I don't him back. I just wince in pain, my shoulder hurts.

When Enid slots me, she pushes Tyler out of the way and hugs me. She's covered in both dirt and mud. Her hair is a mess and her jacket is the only thing that is covering her. She hugs me and I don't hug back. Just like with Tyler. She pulls back, and we both look at each other.

This time we both pull each other in for an embrace. My one arm slightly limp from being impaled. I close my eyes hold on a little tighter.

I open my eyes to see that Thing is perched on Tyler's shoulder. When Enid and I release each other Tyler crouches down into a squaring position to look at me. "Are you okay?"

"I have a gash on my forehead, I was shot with an arrow and God knows what else." He chuckles and smiles at me.

"Hey, Thursday?" I turn to face Enid. "Ajax went to get the sheriff and told him everything." I nod at her waiting for more information. "He's in prison for killing many people. And whatever else he's done."

I nod finally feeling at leave that I don't been to track down a sociopathic monster. Or worry about a pilgrim that wants to lynch every last one of us.

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