Chapter 4

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"Just as I'd suspected. Nothing."

Crowley's statement made (Y/n) deflate. They lay their head against the table, slowly nibbling on the plate of cookies beside them. Crowley summoned the cookies after he got irritated by the constant growling of (Y/n)'s stomach.

"Not only is your homeland not listed on any map from any point in history. Now, are you QUITE sure that you come from such a place?" His question made (Y/n) glower at him. They refused to say anything to the bird man.

"Because if so, the only explanation is that you've come from another planet. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?" Now that got a reaction from (Y/n), they sat up so fast the chair they sat on almost fell backwards.

"Another dimension?!" Crowley ignored the outburst and held his open hand in front of (Y/n).

"Show me everything that you brought here with you. Do you have some form of identification, a driver's licence perhaps?" He seemed exasperated with the question. "Or even a..shoe? You do seem a tad bit... empty-handed."

"As you said, I've got nothing." (Y/n) said in defeat after patting their pockets.

"Well, this is quite the predicament. I cannot have someone with no aptitude for magic bumbling about my magic academy. And yet, as an educator, I am loath to expel a young person without a cent to their name, or any ability to contact their guardian..."

"Truly, my grace is boundless." The pride in Crowley's voice caused a twinge of annoyance for (Y/n).

"Hmmmmm... Ah! There is a vacant building on this campus. It was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago. With a proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough."

"Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being. In the meantime, we will investigate other ways to send you home." Crowley talked so much that (Y/n) wished they were deaf.

"Dear me, but I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say. Well then, I shall take you to your dorm straight away. It is an older building, but it has plenty of...character, one might say," The way Crowley spoke about the building made (Y/n) suspicious about it.

Crowley walked out of the library, beckoning (Y/n) to follow him. Quickly grabbing the half eaten plate of cookies, (Y/n) jogged to catch up.

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