Chapter 5

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"This is too much character, if you ask me."

The building in front of them was rundown, windows were boarded up, the roof had holes and there were cobwebs everywhere. If Asmodeus was here he would have a heart attack if he had to even touch the building. The thought brought a brief smile to (Y/n)'s face.

"Isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside now. There you go," Crowley sounded a little too happy.


If (Y/n) thought the outside was bad, the inside was worse. Toppled furniture, webs and a layer of dust over everything.

"This should keep the elements at bay for the time being." (Y/n) didn't vocalise their opposing thoughts on the matter.

"Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourself. But don't let me catch you wandering the campus! Ta!" The switch in his tone almost caused whiplash in the demon. From his calm demeanor to his stern warning to his joyous farewell. Crowley certainly was a unique person to (Y/n).


With Crowley finally gone (Y/n) was able to use their powers without drawing suspicion.

"It's probably best if they don't know I'm a demon..." (Y/n)'s thoughts were cut off by their stomach growling. "I'm hungry.."

Closing their eyes, (Y/n) focused on finding the small entities hiding within the walls of the ramshackled dorm building. It didn't take long before the demon heard the insects make themselves known. Opening their eyes, (Y/n) surprised that there was only about three hundred bugs in the entire building. Looking over the insects, from the flies to the ants to the spiders, (Y/n) exerted a command over them.

"Go. Bring me a feast to quell my hunger!" Within seconds the bugs had left to complete the command given to them.

"Now..." Looking around (Y/n) pouted. "I don't even see a clean place to sit."

There was a crash of thunder followed by the sound of rain. (Y/n) made their way to the window, they wiped the dust off the glass to peer through.

"Looks like it's started to rain," Seeing the rain pouring down, (Y/n) felt bad for sending the little bugs out.

"GWAH! It's pouring out there!"

"What the?" Turning around, there was Grim in his soggy glory.

"Bwahaha! That look on your face is priceless! Like a bat that got blasted by a water gun," (Y/n) almost found Grim's perseverance admirable. "As if I wouldn't just sneak back onto campus the second I escaped pryin' eyes. You all got no idea what I'm capable of!"

"I ain't givin' up on goin' here just 'cause I got kicked out one measly ol' time. And if you think otherwise, you don't know Grim!"

"Why are you so determined to go to this school? You're still just a kit," Grim seemed a little stunned by what (Y/n) said.

"W-well.. Isn't it obvious?"

'No, it really isn't..' (Y/n) decided not to say anything.

"I was born to do this! I'm a magical prodigy who's got the makin's to become one of the greatest mages who ever lived! So I've been waitin' and waitin' for that black carriage to come for me. And yet..." Moving on impulse, (Y/n) gently scratched Grim between the ears while lifting him up.

Grim let himself be held as he buried his face in (Y/n)'s chest. The demon softly stroked the kit as he sniffled quietly against their chest.

"T-that Dark M-mirror's got no eye f-for talent!"

"No, it doesn't. You are very talented, Grim."

"Y-you think s-so?"

"Yes, kit. You just need to practise to be even better." Grim nodded slowly as he stifled a yawn. (Y/n) placed a sleepy Grim on the seat under the window.

"Get some rest, it's been a long day for you, Grim. I'll see what I can do with that roof..." (Y/n) glared at the hole ridden ceiling before leaving to search the rest of the dorm.


(Y/n) found the attic of the dorm after a few minutes of searching. Double checking there was no way any would see what was about to happen, (Y/n) cast a simple and untraceable barrier spell on the dorm roof.

With that done, (Y/n) made their way back down, in search of a kitchen. They had just made it to the hallway before something made them uneasy.

"This place smells like it's rotting..."

(Y/n) checked around, even glancing behind them to be sure. After seeing nothing off the demon turned around to search once more, only to find three ghost in their path.

"Ahh!" (Y/n) was so startled by them, they stumbled backwards into a wall.

"Yee hee hee... Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! We haven't had visitors in ages!" The ghosts laughed amongst themselves, but (Y/n) could tell there was something off. "Oh, I'm just itchin' for more friends! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"You startled me.. Sorry but can you please lower your voices, Grim is sleeping," The ghosts looked shocked and confused as they glanced at each other. Was this person not scared of them?

"I'm sorry for intruding on your home but the Headmage said I could stay here until I can go home," (Y/n) didn't let the ghosts get a word in as they continued speaking. "I wouldn't mind sharing this dorm with you guys, I'm used to living with multiple people anyway and I was planning on cleaning this place up if I was gonna stay."

The ghosts seemed almost happy.

"Would you mind if we played pranks on you and the kitty?" The round ghost asked.

"No. As long as they don't hurt anyone and everyone get a laugh out of it, I don't mind," The ghosts looked at each other and nodded before looking back at the demon.

"Alright! We'll let you stay on one condition," the skinny ghost said.

"And what's that?"

"You have to give us a name!" All three ghosts said at the same time. (Y/n) was bad at naming things but to give these three a name they would have to think hard.

"Hmm. You-" (Y/n) pointed at the biggest ghost-"will be named Pilo, is that okay?"

The round ghost, Pilo, grinned and nodded with a laugh. (Y/n) looked at the skinny ghost next.

"Do you like the name 'Alban'?"

"Yes!" The skinny ghost, now Alban, floated up and down as if they were jumping with joy. The last ghost seemed both nervous and excited.

"Umm. Is 'Tav' alright? I'm not the best at naming things so I'm sorry if you don't like it," (Y/n) rubbed the back of their neck, a nervous habit, and waited for the last ghost's response.

"It's perfect!"



"Well then, it's nice to meet you, Pilo, Alban and Tav!" The ghosts all mirrored the sentiment in return with happiness. (Y/n) smiled at the ghosts joy, their attention was taken from them as they heard small paws approaching.

"Human..? What's taking you so long?" Grim turned into the hallway, obviously looking for (Y/n).

"Ah! I found you huma- Myaaahhh! Gh-gh-ghosts! GHOSTS!" Grim cried in fright. (Y/n) quickly scooped up the shaking creature into their arms.

"Grim, it's okay. Their not here to hurt us, this is their home. They have agreed to let us stay with them," (Y/n) said in an attempt to sooth the frightened Grim.

"Y-you sure..?"

"Of course. They may play some pranks now and then but they won't hurt you, kit."

"Hmph! Alright human, I'll believe you."

"Good boy. Excuse us, you three but I have to make dinner. See you later!" Almost as if to prove (Y/n) was telling the truth their stomach growled loudly.

"Bye bye!" The ghosts disappeared while after saying their goodbyes.

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