Chapter 13

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The three of them chased Grim all the way back to the cafeteria. They all tried to catch him but Grim kept jumping around, on and under tables and through their legs.

"Argh! Stop jumping around like that!"

"Heh heh heh! Catch me if you can!" Grim called as he climbed up the chandelier.

"No fair climbing onto the chandelier, you coward!" Deuce shouted at the kit. "I haven't really learned flight magic yet... What could I summon to hold onto him...? Hmmm..."

(Y/n) tried to find the right vantage point to grab Grim. They were interrupted by a shriek from Ace.

"–ot launch me! Abort! ABORT!"

"Just make sure to grab him tight. I've got him in my sights, and..."

"Oh no..! Wait!" (Y/n) yelled.




Acting swiftly, (Y/n) jumped above the falling chandelier. Within mere moments, (Y/n) had grabbed Ace, who was holding Grim, and pulled his against their chest. The demon maneuvered their body so they would land on their back, protecting Ace and Grim.

"Oooh...huh? Ah!" Ace threw himself off of the demon, dropping Grim in the process. "(Y/n), you okay?"


"I cannot believe you just did that!"

"Oops... I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him..."

"You complete and total moron!" Ace screamed at Deuce.

(Y/n) gently picked up Grim and cradled him close. Pulling themself together, (Y/n) moved to join Ace and Deuce.

"If the headmage finds out about this—"

"If I find out about...what, dear Ace?"

"Ah! Headmage Crowley...!"

"YOU. THREE. AGAIN. What have you done this time?!" (Y/n) lowered their head in shame.

"Myaaah... Everything's spinning..."

"Fighting and injuring someone wasn't enough for you? Now you've destroyed a chandelier?!" Crowley chastised them. "Enough. All of you are expelled."


"Headmage, please! Give me a second chance!" Deuce pleaded. "I can't get expelled from this school! I need to be here!"

"Then blame yourself for your own foolish behaviour."

"I'll pay for the damages! However much it costs!" The desperation in his voice was palpable.

"That chandelier is no mere light fixture. It is a magical chandelier. Its candles are powered by a magical energy source, enhanced so that they will burn for eternity. It was created for us by a legendary artificer. Possibly their finest creation," explained Crowley. "It has been here since the school was established, and I imagined it would be here forevermore. Considering its historical value, I would estimate its worth to be no less than a billion thaumarks. And you intend to repay that sum?"

"A... A billion thaumarks?!" Deuce was floored by what he heard.

"B-but I'm sure with your magical talent, sir, you could snap your fingers and fix it right up!" Ace attempted to smooth talk the headmage.

(Y/n) moved Grim to hold him in one arm and they walked over to the chandeliers debris. The demon could smell the magic remnants wafting off the wreckage. They carefully shifted through debris to find the delicious scent of magic. (Y/n) located shards of a small crystal infused with magic.

It was a pretty teal colour, similar to a larimar stone. It was rapidly losing its glow and that meant the magic would also dissipate. Without thinking (Y/n) scooped up the pieces and headed over to the headmage.

"–cquire a magestone with the same properties, it may be possible to repair it."

"Then I'll go find a magestone! With your permission, sir!" Deuce said.

"I should caution you that I cannot promise there yet remain magestones to find. The mines were closed quite some time ago. It is quite likely that all of the magestones have already been mined."

"I'll do anything to avoid expulsion, sir!"

"Hmmm... Very well, then. I will suspend your expulsion for a single night. But if you fail to return with a magestone by morning, then all of you are expelled."

"I understand, sir. Thank you very much for this opportunity!"

(Y/n) tapped Crowley's shoulder to get his attention. Crowley turned to face them but hadn't said a word. (Y/n) showed him the crystal shards.

"What are these?"

"Those were the chandeliers' magestone."


With that the Avatar of Gluttony tossed the pieces in their mouth, crunched on them for a bit then swallowed. It was just as delicious as it smelled.

(Y/n) was met with dumbfounded looks from the others.

"Why would you do that?!" All three yelled at the demon.

"Because it smelled tasty?" Crowley face palmed at the answer.

"Just take one of the gates in the Mirror Chamber to the Dwarfs' Mine."

"Yes sir!" Deuce answered.

The three of them set off to the Mirror Chamber in a hurry. Grim stirred in (Y/n)'s arms.

"Myah! Wh-? Where am I?!"

"You may end up wishing you'd remained unconscious.."


"Maaan... How did I end up in this mess?" Ace complained. "I swear, I have the worst luck"

"We don't have time to complain. Let's go," Deuce said. "Dark Mirror! Take us to the Dwarfs' Mine!"

The black abyss in the mirror began to ripple as it slowly glowed a bright white. That white light filled their vision and pulled them in.

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