Chapter 7

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"So.. I do manual labour for you and you let us stay?"


"And you give us money to buy food and stuff?"

"Yes, I did."

(Y/n) took another bite of rice, thought for a moment, then asked, "Do I get to fix this place up, as I see fit?"

"I don't see any reason you couldn't."

"But I eat a lot, I'm always hungry..."

"I gathered that.." The irritation in Crowley's voice made (Y/n) look down guiltily. "But I'm not one to let a person in my care go hungry! So I will arrange to have one meal delivered here a day."


"Yes, however it will only be one SMALL meal. You will still have to be responsible for the rest of your meals."

"Yes sir!" (Y/n) gave a close-eyed smile before growling at Grim from trying to steal a bite of their curry.

"Myah!" Grim quickly scampered back to his plate of tuna. Crowley quietly watched their interaction with an oddly fond smile.

"Ahem! While I'm glad you enjoy your meal I should clarify your duties," (Y/n) looked up and hummed to let the bird man know he had their attention.

"You two will be a janitorial team with the express permission to use the library to research or study a way home," Crowley simplified to the demon finishing their dinner.

"I still wish I could've worn one of those sweet uniforms.."

"If you're not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again."

"Myah?! ... All right, fine! Let's do it."

"Mhmm. Fair enough."

"Wonderful!" Crowley stood from his place at the table. "Now, I must be off. I will be seeing the both of you tomorrow. Goodnight!"

After waving goodbye to the bird man, (Y/n) collected the dirty dishes and left for the kitchen.


Once (Y/n) reached the kitchen they placed their empty dishes on the counter and tested the sink's tap. Collecting a small amount, (Y/n) drank it to test.

"Good. It seems that the plumbing of this place is intact."

"Oi, human! What are you doing?"

"Cleaning," (Y/n) said as they collected the water in a bowl. Quickly finding a rag, (Y/n) began wiping down counters, cleaning the stovetop and mopping the floor. Grim watched quietly as the demon cleaned up the entire kitchen.

Once (Y/n) was finished, they began pulling out a chopping board, pots, pans and a knife.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Grim asked, confused as to (Y/n)'s actions.

"I'm hungry. I'm making food."

"What?! You just ate! And we don't have any more food!"

Before Grim could go on, a loud scuttling noise got closer to the kitchen. Getting spooked, Grim leapt onto (Y/n)'s chest, his face hidden and his claws digging into their skin.

"Ghost! The ghosts are back!"

"Grim..." Looking up, Grim was met with a glare. (Y/n) pulled the kit off by the scruff of his neck. Turning to the door, the demon made Grim watch as many bugs and insects entered the room with different types of food.

The bugs brought in apples, cabbage leaves, chestnuts and a dead crow.

"W-what? B-bugs?"

"Mmm, they brought food." Putting Grim down on the counter, (Y/n) picked up the crow while the other insects dropped their finds on the countertop.

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