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This work is a fanfiction, any resemblance of the Characters , place and series of events is coincidental. if you don't like this genre, you can stop reading. thank you. Cutie yoyak in my media!

Follow me on my account @Jamesvince.

This Chapter was fully written in English! Enjoy reading!


Chapter 17

Word Count: 4227

Wandee POV

There is a child who is having a hard time getting attention while eating, and of course, I am referring to Yak. During dinner with his family, he often nudges me on the arm and repeatedly asks if I am full.

Surely he is thinking of me while wearing a red G-string, should I not wear it anymore? 'Damn you Wandee, you even know the phrase "As you wish"...you won't be able to do it.' I whispered to myself while thinking about what plan to execute.

Instead of going home to take a bath and prepare to sleep after dinner, I agreed to play with Yak's parents at their house. Yeoyak gave me a cold smile, but he did not scold me or say anything. However, when I am playing cards, I feel his deadly gaze on me almost all the time.

I was slightly creeped out by Yak's fierce gaze, but I believe that when we try to annoy someone, we should go all the way.

I pretended not to notice his attempts to rush me and talked to Oye while we were playing cards. Will he forget? Hopefully. Until almost 10 pm, Oye yawned, took thousands of money in front of him, and said he would quit. That's how the card game ended. Of course, Oye's portfolio grew by 200%, while I lost. I had to borrow money to invest more.

The reason why I really didn't want to leave is that I want to recover my money. but in reality...because of Yak.

After the card game, everyone went to their respective rooms. His parents prepared to sleep. I said goodnight to them and walked home with Yak. Oye and Mark were ahead of us, seemingly arguing. The cold night air cooled me down. Yak reached for my hand and placed it inside his coat as we walked. I suddenly realized that I misunderstood him. He didn't want to see me in a G-string.

"Let's go to the milk tea shop."


"If we don't go to the milk tea shop, it doesn't count as coming to my home," he explained as he led me on our walk. Oye and Mark disappeared from view little by little. It was just Yak and me left in front of the house. He didn't say much. He took off his slippers in front of the house, disappeared inside to get the motorcycle key, and came out again.

"Are you trying to kill me? You're inviting me to go for a ride to the milk tea shop now, it's so cold that my lips are trembling."

"Sit behind me so you won't feel cold."

"Don't give me that mischievous smile." Yak raised the corner of his mouth with a smile. I gave him a look and sighed. He knew I would follow him. "Fine, I'll go. But if it's not good, you'll have to deal with me."

"Come on, hurry up."

To save time, the big kid quickly led me to the parking lot. He chose a motorcycle. In an instant, the empty lot was illuminated by the motorcycle headlights. I walked around and sat on the backseat.

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