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Super Special Chapters

thank you very much for supporting the story of Wandee and yak. i can't believe you accompanied me to this point. This multiverse story has only 15 parts written in english (WIMM) and for those avid fans who continue to read and vote on each chapter, I have a simple gift for you.

This is a multi verse story of Yeo Yak and Wandee. whose title is '' Wandee is my maid! ''.







(Wandee's POV)

Water drips from his hair as he slowly approaches the man carrying an ax. My eyes are still puffy and my cheeks are red from being drunk. I laughed softly. Right! You will do it right, dee. To end your suffering. The surroundings are quiet. Only Light coming from outside in the depths of the night shines in our direction.

'' don't come near! Who are you! you got the wrong house robbed! Shit! My phone? Where is it? '' he said while panicking as I approached.

'' is this what you are looking for? '' I said while laughing then threw the phone in the big aquarium.

''don't please! You're a bitch! why? W-wandeee?! y-you??! Why are you doing this? I pay you too much and then this is what you will repay? ''

'' what did you say? Huh! I will take the big payment from me, if I become a dog that obeys you. fuck you! I don't want to! ''

I shouted then pulled out an envelope from my pocket and threw it in his face.

'' there's my fucking resignation letter! It's up to you! I hope we never meet again. you animal! you ruined my life plans! You're going to die!!! '' the ax hit the table causing it to crack. he screamed and sat on the floor. I let go of the ax so it made a loud noise. I really had no intention of killing Yeoyak. I just want to threaten and retaliate from the insults, yelling and humiliation that have accumulated since the day I was hired by his company. The Y&T MOBILE COMPANY. Led by mr. yak.

I grabbed my hair and ran out of the subdivision. I only took four steps when I heard a shout from Yeoyak. He was so angry that I sped up running. He was wearing only a black robe and had just finished taking a bath. Reason for his muscular and handsome face to appear. are you stupid wandee? You really got him to fantasize.

While running, my eyes caught his car. There! I'm lucky. I immediately opened the car with the car key. Why is the key mine? Simple. Because I am his secretary wandee. I quickly got in and closed the window to prevent him from entering.

"Fuck! Get down there! Wandee! One! I will really beat you if you don't come down!! '' it rattled the glass and I was happy to watch him inside. I just saw him so angry. I was still bleh and gave him a dirty finger sign that made his eyes widen. After a while it moved to the other side and the door opened..fuck!

'' you're dead meat! '' he said pulling me out of the car. He put his head in right away so I tweaked him. It screamed and grabbed my hair too. He grinned and was surprised when I kicked him in the stomach causing him to lie on the floor. Nope. I have to run away. After closing the door, I immediately started the car. I didn't look back. Terrible. The feeling is good. This is what freedom feels like. no one will order you, do this, do that. And etc...

WANDEE GOODDAY [ TAG/ENG ] COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon