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A/N: Happy Birtthday JAMESVINCE!!! This Chapter is for you! And for your readers out there! Surprise update! VOTE! VOTE! This will be written in English.

ADD ME @jamesvince for more stories.



''Happy Birthday to Yo—'' I sang when JamesVince stopped me from singing. I'm in a buffet restaurant and I'm celebrating my favorite author's birthday.

"later wandee, excited much? ''

'' isn't there yet? Sorry... "I got up and got a drink. He laughed.

"You're a fool, wait. But your boss allowed you to go upstairs? Not mad? ''

'' Yeoyak? get mad? That man never cares about me. ''

'' pak! Who are you there? Thank you for coming, but I'm glad my birthday is here. ''

'' yes. Of course.? I'm your number one fan but can I taste that cake. It really looks delicious. ''

'' later. about 10pm. I can still sing. "It's a video tutorial that I'm happy with.

'' I think it's not good idea to sing. Joke! It's your day, enjoy it to the fullest. "


[ Door Opens ]

'' surprise! Wandee... I miss you.. "The man came in and hugged me. Then it looked at Jamesvince. It's gene. [ LOVELY WRITER ]

'' you're the celebrant? You're so pretty. Here. Our gift for you. Hope you like it. '' he says while giving a box with gift.

"That's expensive, you know. " Hunter was standing behind me. The guy put it in the hood and we laughed.

"Sit down, Gene and Hunter. " I promised them I would leave them talking. James came to my house and asked me to.

'' its stupid friend! We have a guest artist. ''He said excitedly.

''that's why I said earlier don't sing. Or else they leave you here.. ''

'' hahaha! Wait! Someone came in. '' along it teaches at the door.

'' Hi! Gene!! Happy birthday! You look good! How's life... "Patawee's embrace (P) then it broke out of embrace.

''I'm not the celebrant! It's him. Jamesvince. ''

'' oh! Sorry, I'm a little tired from the hospital. He's mork. My boyfriend. "Anchor his hand to the companion. We can't even believe they are here.

''wandee! My apologies but I invited people for , the more , the merrier! This is patawee and mork. They both dentist.[FISH UPON THE SKY] With him I made a tooth filling. "We were both very nervous and James and I were both nervous. It's even been thrown into the mork.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to see my partner, so I'm not going to be able to see my partner. "I laughed as James opened his eyes to me. They laughed. It's fun.

The appetizer began when the door opened again,

'' looks like we're caught ;) You're having fun! "It's called James Lee.

'' chef! Lee, oh! Turns out you're with chef oliver! I thought you guys couldn't go! Is it traffic? "I said as they sat down.

'' it's for his birthday! I know it's a special day so I cooked Beef wellington and my bf also cooked thailand dish, masssaman curry. "I'm ready and one of them is on the table. It was like James was trying to get me to talk to him.

WANDEE GOODDAY [ TAG/ENG ] COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon