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'' oh..section 3? Wait! Isn't it from section 3 who sat in with us? Hey! Yohoo..'' someone was shaking me but I pretended to be asleep. I will definitely stand by it. sleep effect.

'' girl, maybe he's sleeping. You ask another person from section 3..'' said the woman who was with him then I felt that she was moving away from me. Hey. Thank you.

"Hey? Do you know who owns this pin? james..ronn—''

"Oh, it's James. Yes. That's it. The one with bowed head. '' while pointing to where I am. My appearance hardened at that moment. I pretended to wipe and looked around. Denver and Monica stared at me. That is in front of me.

'' is this yours? so...you're the person who snooped on us at the dance club...'' he placed the pin on the table which I immediately took. Denver sat in front of me with a chair.

'' ah..eh..it's me. ''

''don't you know it's because of you..that our practice stopped-''

'' enough Danica, don't scold him. Hey..you..want to join the club? '' said the man but I couldn't look straight at him. I have to admit, it's attractive. But I cannot be tempted.

'' right! Don't we need a male dancer? He is perfect. do you dance '' its previously angry form suddenly turned into an angel.

'' just a little.. ''

'' it's okay. We will teach you. Welcome to the club james! '' Danica said while holding my hand.

'' I will teach him. ''

"Wow! Wait! That's new, you never taught one on one in dance. Even I was not taught by you before. You're lucky james. Don't bully him Denver, report James to me when he bullies you. okay? '' I couldn't answer right away because Denver ruffled my hair. what is happening to me Why is my heart beating faster?



''huhuhu. What happened to the boss was terrible. I can not do it. Kwan said while looking at the TV. It is now being reported that the suspect was caught in the attempt on Yeoyak's life. so there is really someone who wants to kill him. Not just me. The question is who is the killer? i mean i did that thing to scare him to get revenge. I really don't intend to kill. I'm just afraid of the Lord.

'' the face of that gagon is really thick. Good thing it was caught..isn't it wandee! It's a good thing you're by the boss's side 24/7, so you really deserve to be his secretary. '' Torfun said while still giving me a thumbs up. I just smiled sparingly. Only drake and I know what happened. But as for the suspect, I really have no idea. It seems to happen quickly. The yak called me to the ceo office then I immediately left them outside. Oye was with it while watching the news.

I rubbed the yak's back. '' sir, are you ok? Wait here, I'll get you a water. '' I would have stood up if he stopped me.

'' it looks like I'm exhausted...brother are you ok? ''

I'm fine. Thank you. '' he said while drinking water. It's still watching TV. He couldn't remember anything. No way. He has amnesia.


The days passed quickly. I'm still pretending to be Yeoyak's fiancée. he also let me handle his credit cards and money. A big smile appeared on my lips. Of course I'm not done responding to him yet. We will put his money to good use. Just like the day before, I sent a message to all employees using yak's name. These are my types.

WANDEE GOODDAY [ TAG/ENG ] COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon