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'' goodafter----oh shit! Sir yeoyak, sorry for disturbing. Mark said and immediately went out the door. Fuck! Did he see us? What will I do? What if he tells others?

I took the fork from the yak and bit the man. I still choked so he made me drink cucumber juice. He laughed.

'' what's wrong with you babe? You have been restless for a while..are you alright? '' he asked while drinking pineapple juice.

''yes sir, this babe...'' I said while he was worried. To distract myself, I quickly took and ate food on the table. Maybe he'll ask something and I'll tell him that I'm not his fiancée. Hours passed until it was time to go home. as a secretary/fiancée, I accompanied the boss to his car. I planned to go home first. To my brother, I haven't been home for a long time, I mean he's doing fine even without me, but I also have to say hello to him. Yak even insisted on taking me but I immediately refused. It's hard.

''surprise! I'm home! ''

'' brother wandee! James said while running and hugging me.

'' what are you watching? ''

''just bl series..''

'' How's your study? Let me look at your report card. ''

'' it's in my bag, can it be later? do you have any foods? ''

'' of course. I know you are starving. '' he laughed while opening the noodles and a liter of soft drinks I brought. Infariness with my brother, the house is clean even though it's small, like an apartment. Enough for both of us. While watching TV I asked. James, don't start a relationship, study first. Do you have to pay anything in school? Tell me in advance so I can prepare the payment. ''

'' it's really my brother, who's going to be a boyfriend? Even though I'm bi no one likes me. Not even a woman..''


'' yes brother! Also, can you add 500 to my pocket, the fare is high now..''

'' you're terrible, how do you commute? In a taxi? I bought you a bike, don't say you sold it. I will really hit you. ''

'' no, the tire is flat, then I'm too lazy to pedal. ''

'' as for my brother's art, fyi huh, were not rich. I believe that we will also adjust in life. Maybe not now, you know in the future. You know when I get rich, I'll buy you a sportscar..''

'' really brother? Wow! Promise me that,''

'' of course, but for now, focus on your studies first, don't work and I'll take care of you.. '' he nodded and took his phone and opened it. Its wallpaper caught my eye..there was a man. James turned his back on me and then called his cell phone.

"Wait James, look at your phone, I think I saw something,"

'Huh? Ah..eh..no big brother. I'm the one washing the dishes..'' he said while hiding his cellphone in his pocket.

'' you're so stingy.. '' I said as he left and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I was in the living room and suddenly an advertisement flashed on the screen.

The man with his back to the beach exits the screen. It's topless and wearing board shorts, showing off its muscular body from the gym. He was holding a phone that he threw into the air and the camera moved to the sea as he took a selfie while surfing. I'm only referring to one man, ..my boss. , they rarely appear in media ads like this, apart from yak. Handsome and smart. Tall and with perfect abs. it was played to its full potential on our newly released YT phone. A water resistant phone. It hit the masses because its specs are not only good but also cheap and affordable for everyone. Sales increased even more and attracted many investors so that we can rise even more in the market.

WANDEE GOODDAY [ TAG/ENG ] COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon